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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Minimum marriage age laws and the prevalence of child marriage and adolescent birth: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

    CONTEXT: The relationship of national laws that prohibit child marriage with the prevalence of child marriage and adolescent birth is not well understood. METHODS: Data from Demographic and Health Surveys and from the Child Marriage Database created by the MACHEquity program at McGill University were used to examine the relationship between laws that consistently set the age for marriage for girls at 18 or older and the prevalence of child marriage and teenage childbearing in 12 Sub-Saharan African countries. …

  2. HIV and young people who inject drugs. Technical brief

    This technical brief is one in a series addressing four young key populations. It is intended for policy-makers, donors, service-planners, service-providers and community-led organizations. This brief aims to catalyse and inform discussions about how best to provide health services, programmes and support for young people who inject drugs. …

  3. UNFPA operational guidance for comprehensive sexuality education: a focus on human rights and gender

    The right of access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is grounded in fundamental human rights and is a means to empower young people to protect their health, well-being and dignity. This Operational Guidance sets out UNFPA’s framework for CSE, which is one of five prongs to UNFPA’s Adolescent and Youth Strategy. …

  4. From statehouse to schoolhouse: Anti-bullying policy efforts in U.S. states and school districts

    From Statehouse to Schoolhouse: Anti-Bullying Policy Efforts in U.S. States and School Districts fills an important gap in our understanding by examining: The prevalence of anti-bullying policies in all U.S. …

  5. L'homophobie : savoir et réagir : brochure à destination des équipes éducatives et de tous les professionnels travaillant auprès des jeunes

    Cette brochure a pour but de vous donner des informations, des éléments de réfléxion et des possibilités d’orientation quand vous souhaitez apporter une aide à un jeune confronté à l’homophobie, c’est-à-dire toute attitude ou tout acte qui va dans le sens d’un rejet, d’une injustice envers une personne homosexuelle ou identifiée comme telle. Aussi, lutter contre l’homophobie œuvre au mieux-être physique, mental et social de tous les jeunes.

  6. Sexual health, human rights and the law

    This report demonstrates the relationship between sexual health, human rights and the law. Drawing from a review of public health evidence and extensive research into human rights law at international, regional and national levels, the report shows how states in different parts of the world can and do support sexual health through legal and other mechanisms that are consistent with human rights standards and their own human rights obligations.

  7. Orphans and vulnerable children: national plan of action 2006-2010

    This five-year costed National Plan of Action addresses the survival, protection, care and support needs of the most vulnerable children in Nigeria. It was developed through consultative and participatory approaches among all stakeholders, including adults and children. The voices of children were heard, and their contributions were taken into account. The Plan adopts a rights-based approach in the development of the framework that will accelerate and provide guidance for the national response on orphans and vulnerable children.

  8. Universidad Saludable. Módulo educativo para la acción preventiva de las ITS, el VIH y el SIDA en instituciones de educación superior

    La prevención y el control del VIH y sida han constituido en los últimos 30 años uno de los desa s más importantes a la imaginación y a la inteligencia de nuestra especie. Tan pronto los modos de transmisión -sexual, sanguíneo y perinatal- de esta nueva infección fueron conocidos, y con ellos tuvimos la posibilidad de impactar a enfermedades de transmisión sexual que se habían mantenido ocultas por siglos, la Humanidad tomó conciencia de la necesidad de contener su diseminación. …

  9. Ley 26.586: créase el programa nacional de educación y prevención sobre las adicciones y el consumo indebido de drogas

    El presente programa tiene como objeto orientar las prácticas educativas para trabajar en la educación y prevención sobre las adicciones y el consumo indebido de drogas, en todas las modalidades y niveles del Sistema Educativo Nacional.

  10. Análisis legislativo comparado sobre embarazo adolescente matrimonio temprano

    El presente documento tiene por objetivo principal el realizar un estudio comparado sobre la situación actual de la legislación en relación a la prevención del embarazo adolescente y el matrimonio temprano en la región de América Latina y El Caribe, que destaque la legislación existente y su nivel de adecuación en comparación a los estándares de derechos humanos en la materia.

  11. Stratégie intégrée de prévention et de lutte contre la violence à l’égard des enfants scolarisés

    Cette étude propose un rappel synthétique des connaissances concernant la violence à l’école et une analyse du cadre législatif et des réponses institutionnelles et non gouvernementales apportées à ce phénomène. …

  12. Sexual and reproductive health needs and access to services for vulnerable groups in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    This report aims to understand sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs and related policies for three selected vulnerable groups - Roma (men and women), internally displaced people (IDPs) and adolescents - in eight Eastern European and Central Asian countries. The purpose of the study is to contribute to a policy dialogue on focusing national programs on the SRH needs of vulnerable groups.

  13. Behaviour change communication strategies for preventing adolescent pregnancy sourcebook

    More than ever, adolescents need help, guidance, and empowerment. This is the main purpose for which the Department of Health invested in the project: “Development of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for Adolescent Pregnancy.” This initiative essentially aims to contribute to the promotion of positive and healthy behaviors that enable adolescents to avoid too early and unintended pregnancy. This initiative is an integral part of the Adolescent and Youth Health and Development (AYHD) Program of the Department of Health. …

  14. International interagency meeting: current evidence, lessons learned and best practices in adolescent pregnancy prevention in Latin America and the Caribbean. Final report

    The objectives of this meeting were: to present the current situation of adolescent pregnancy and its major risk factors in the LAC region; to discuss current evidence, lessons learned and best practices regarding adolescent pregnancy prevention and the access and utilization of SRH services by adolescents in the LAC region; to agree on key evidence-based interventions to be implemented at the local, national, and regional level in order to prevent adolescent pregnancy in the LAC region; to disseminate and share current evidence, lessons learned, best practices, tools and instruments develope …

  15. Supporting the academic success of pregnant and parenting students under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

    This pamphlet has been prepared for secondary school administrators, teachers, counselors, parents, and students. The first section provides background on school retention problems associated with pregnant and parenting students. The next two sections, “Title IX Requirements Regarding Pregnant and Parenting Students” and “Frequently Asked Questions Pertaining to Title IX Requirements Regarding Pregnant and Parenting Students,” provide information on the law’s specific requirements regarding pregnancy and parenthood. …


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