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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Women and HIV in the twenty-first century: how can we reach the UN 2030 goal?

    Women have always been part of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. As with other populations affected by HIV, for many years the only prevention strategy available was behavior change. Behavioral interventions for women were developed and evaluated, with some success. Because women did not control the use of male condoms, efficacious interventions needed to build skills for partner negotiation. …

  2. Health literacy and behaviour change among adolescents in Kibera, Nairobi-Kenya : student artworks

    UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MoE), and with the support of Government of Azerbaijan implemented a project on “Health literacy and behavior change practices among adolescent girls in the Kibera informal settlement” (2014-2016). …

  3. Youth-friendly HIV prevention and SRHR programmes and services at post-schooling institutions: a review of the literature

    The objective of this literature review was to provide a background to the current context relating to the provision of comprehensive and integrated youth-friendly SRHR and HIV prevention services to students at post-schooling institutions in South Africa and in the Eastern Cape. …

  4. Programa Geração Biz - Investing in youth: the story of a national SRH programme for adolescents and youths in Mozambique

    Story of a national program that has been a school for social, academic and professional development for thousands of peer educators and government employees and throughout the years, the program has freed local communities from the stranglehold of taboos on sex, education and the role of young people in society. …

  5. Life skills as a behaviour change strategy in the prevention of HIV and AIDS: perceptions of students in an open and distance learning institution

    The prevention of HIV and AIDS, especially amongst young people, is very important, as they are the future leaders. South Africa carries a high burden of the HIV and AIDS disease, and efforts at the prevention of the disease need to be intensified. University students are also at risk, and prevention efforts need to be intensified to ensure that students graduate and enter the world of work to become productive citizens. Failure to pay attention to preventative behaviour amongst university students may have negative socio-economic consequences for the country. …

  6. Assessment report of health literacy and behavior change practices among adolescent girls in Kibera

    This report presents the findings of a rapid assessment of ‘Health Literacy and Behavior Change Practiced among Adolescent Girls in Kibera’ Informal Settlement in Nairobi, Kenya.

  7. Caught in culture? Cultural transformation through HIV/AIDS prevention education in Zambia

    The study explores the role and contribution of education in developing a localized and relevant HIV/AIDS prevention strategy through a multi-voiced approach, involving the educational institutions, as well as the traditional leaders, community-members, including parents. The study comprised all public schools in one Zambian province from 2002-2008. The study explores, among other factors, the role of traditional culture in mitigating and exacerbating the spread of the disease. …

  8. National HIV and AIDS communication and advocacy strategy (2011-2015)

    This National HIV and AIDS Communication and Advocacy Strategy (NACAS), seeks to reinforce the efficacy of communication at the different levels of behaviour change, and to increase the proportion of individuals, families, communities and institutions within Zambia utilizing available HIV and AIDS and reproductive health services across the country. Furthermore, it seeks to increase the proportion of national level policy makers and stakeholders knowledgeable of the socio-economic significance of HIV and AIDS. …

  9. National HIV/AIDS strategic framework 2014-2016

    The purpose of the framework is to: i. Provide an overall strategy for the planning, coordination and implementation of the multi-sectoral national response based on available evidence; ii. Articulate national priorities, expected outcomes and targets that all stakeholders should work towards, based on their respective mandates, resources and comparative advantage; iii. …

  10. National behaviour change communication guidelines on HIV and AIDS interventions

    The Behaviour Change Communication Guideline has been developed to guide HIV and AIDS stakeholders in addressing behavior change in line with National Multisectoral Strategy Framework (NMSF 2008-2012). This guide builds on achievements made to date in addressing adoption of best behaviours among the public. It provides guidance to various stakeholders regarding the approaches, interventions and activities that will be undertaken to address HIV and AIDS. …

  11. National HIV prevention strategy 2011-2015: expanding and doing HIV prevention better

    The overall goal of the strategy is to reduce the HIV incidence by at least 30 percent based on 2009 baseline. This will result into 40 percent reduction of the projected number of new HIV infections by 2015, in line with the HIV prevention targets in the National Development Plan and avert about 180,000 new infections over five years. Virtual elimination of vertical transmission of HIV is an integral part of this overall goal. The strategy has five objectives: 1. To increase adoption of safer sexual behaviours and reduce risk taking behaviours. 2. …

  12. The national strategic framework 2012-2016 for HIV and AIDS and STIs of the Republic of Seychelles

    The overall goal of the NSF 2012-2016 remains the same as in the previous NSP, i.e., to prevent and control the spread of HIV and AIDS, provide access to treatment to PLHIV and mitigate the health, socio-economic and psychosocial impacts of HIV and AIDS on individuals, families, communities and the nation. There are 3 priority areas in the NSF 2012-2016: 1. Prevention and behaviour change; 2. Treatment and care; 3. Impact mitigation and human rights protection.

  13. Change the context not the girls: improving efforts to reduce teenage pregnancy in Sierra Leone

    Concerns about significant increases in Sierra Leone’s already high rates of teenage pregnancy during the Ebola crisis have led to redoubled efforts among policy-makers and development practitioners to address this problem. The startling health and education impacts on teenage girls -twice as many mothers aged 15-19 die in childbirth compared to those over 20 while teen pregnancy is one of the leading causes of school dropouts - underline the importance of these efforts. …

  14. A farewell to abstinence and fidelity? Comment

    Sex has regularly proven to be a polarising issue for the UN Member States, and the 2016 High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS on June 8–10 was no exception. The Political Declaration adopted at the meeting addresses the sexual health needs of young people (15–24 years), including adolescents (11–19 years). 2000 new HIV infections occur among young people every day. HIV is the leading cause of death among adolescents in Africa, and the second-highest cause of death worldwide in this age group. …

  15. Estrategia de información, educación y comunicación en el abordaje de las ITS y VIH

    El Ministerio de Salud, en adelante MINSAL, impulsa la Reforma de Salud con enfoque de la promoción del Derecho Humano a la Salud, por lo anterior es importante re dimensionar la estrategia nacional de información, educación y comunicación para el cambio de comportamiento (IEC/CC), con el objetivo de que el personal de salud disponga de procesos sistemáticos para la promoción de la salud con enfoque de las determinantes sociales de la salud y comportamientos saludables que pudieran ser adaptados y adoptados según el perfil epidemiológico local, las prioridades de salud y los recursos humanos,  …


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