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The Swiss National Programme on HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections 2011–2017 (known as NPHS for short) sets out to improve the sexual health of the Swiss population. Its legal basis is the Swiss Epidemics Act, and the programme is pitched at efforts against disease. The NPHS is a national strategy for the prevention and also the diagnosis and treatment of HIV and other STI (sexually transmitted infections), including chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhoea, hepatitis, human papilloma virus, lymphogranuloma venerum and herpes. The programme has four main goals: 1. …
This National HIV Strategic Plan is an expression of Nepal’s community engagement and community-led responses to tackle specific challenges in Fast-Tracking: engagement in advocacy and accountability for strategic investments; reaching and advocating for human rights of key populations; understanding social, cultural and other issues relevant to health and well-being; adherence support; demand creation; services delivery in the prevention-treatment continuum through community organizations and in-reach workers; navigators in health and other social services; and collaboration in relevant publ …
The Strategy aims to sustainably contain HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, HPV and other sexually transmitted infections. This can improve the overall health of the population by preventing serious related diseases such as AIDS, cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. Undesired childlessness and miscarriages are averted and diseases among newborns prevented. In addition to positive individual and societal effects, preventing infections, as well as early diagnoses, might contribute to a reduction in healthcare expenditure. …
La planeación estratégica nacional para el VIH/Sida e ITS en El Salvador se realiza de forma quinquenal, es así como el país, luego de haber evaluado alcances y limitantes del período 2011-2011, diseñó las nuevas líneas estratégicas que darán la pauta para el desarrollo de acciones tendientes a contribuir en la eliminación del VIH, todo a la luz de las tendencias mundiales, las estrategias innovadoras y los enormes desafíos de cara a la sostenibilidad de la respuesta. …
La riposte nationale au VIH/Sida au Togo a pour vision d’«avoir à moyen terme une population en bonne santé exempte du VIH/SIDA, avec l’émergence d’une génération sans Sida au Togo » et son Plan Stratégique 2016-2020 a pour but de «mettre en œuvre la réponse nationale basée sur des évidences scientifiques et programmatiques afin d’obtenir un meilleur impact des interventions». …
Le plan d’action national VIH 2018-2022 est l’outil principal de pilotage, de monitoring et d’évaluation pour les acteurs publics et de la société civile engagés dans la riposte au VIH. Le plan couvre la période de 5 ans de 2018 à 2022. Il s’aligne aux objectifs internationaux et repose sur une démarche participative associant les différents acteurs qui prend en compte trois facteurs importants : - les enjeux épidémiologiques au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, - les réalisations sur le terrain, - les besoins identifiés et les défis rencontrés.
Obiettivi prioritari degli interventi previsti nel Piano sono: - Delineare e realizzare progetti finalizzati alla definizione di modelli di intervento per ridurre il numero delle nuove infezioni. - Facilitare l’accesso al test e l’emersione del sommerso. - Garantire a tutti l’accesso alle cure. - Favorire il mantenimento in cura dei pazienti diagnosticati e in trattamento. - Migliorare lo stato di salute e di benessere delle persone PLWHA. - Coordinare i piani di intervento sul territorio nazionale. - Tutelare i diritti sociali e lavorativi delle persone PLWHA. …
La situation épidémique de certaines infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) en Guyane et aux Antilles françaises est préoccupante. …
Le programme national VIH et autres infections sexuellement transmissibles 2011–2017 (PNVI en abrégé) vise à améliorer la santé sexuelle de la population suisse. Il se fonde sur les principes juridiques de la loi sur les épidémies et intervient au niveau de la lutte contre les maladies : le PNVI est une stratégie nationale pour prévenir, diagnostiquer et traiter le VIH et autres infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST), telles que les chlamydias, la gonorrhée, les hépatites, le papillomavirus humain, la lymphogranulomatose vénérienne, l’herpès, etc. …
The Fifth South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, (SABSSM V), a population-based cross-sectional survey of households in South Africa, was designed to assess the prevalence and trends of key HIV–related indicators. The survey was conducted between January and December 2017 by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and provides information on national and sub-national progress toward HIV epidemic control in the country. This report summarizes the HIV epidemic and impact of South Africa’s national HIV response.
Mitigating HIV and AIDS among youth has been a major policy agenda both internationally and nationally, within Tanzania. Two concerns associated with mitigation efforts are increasing sexual activity at young ages and a burgeoning population of out-of-school youth whom poverty, lack of supervision, and unemployment seem to push into alternative life patterns that present risks to their health. This situation poses a serious challenge for Tanzania, where half the population is categorised as young.
The provision of good quality education in public sector schools in South Africa is intrinsically linked to the health, wellbeing and productivity of educators employed in this sector. …
AIDS was first publicly reported on 5 June 1981 in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Doctors in New York and San Francisco were seeing clusters of previously extremely rare diseases such as Pneumocystis carinii, and Kaposi’s sarcoma. These infections manifested in exceptionally serious forms, initially, within a narrowly defined risk group — young, homosexual men, and led to death within a short period. …
El presente Plan Estratégico Institucional para la Prevención y Atención y Control de ITS, VIH y SIDA, 2010-2015 tiene como principal objetivo que el desarrollar un Plan de trabajo para los próximos cinco años en relación a diez ejes que son fundamentales para el buen desarrollo del Programa de ITS/VIH/SIDA del Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social, siendo los siguientes ejes de trabajo: prevención; atención integral; reducción, contención y mitigación del impacto; garantía de los derechos humanos; pluriculturalidad; comunicación; interacción con sociedad civil; participación trabajadores …
The 2015-2020 Ethiopia HIV /AIDS prevention care and treatment Strategic plan was developed in an Investment case approach by focusing on four core elements namely, understand the problem, design the optimal program to solve the problem, deliver and sustain for impact and ending AIDS. This investment cases aims to pave the path for ending AIDS by 2030 through averting 70,000- 80,000 new HIV infections and saving about half a million lives till 2020. The targets set in this investment case are in line with the three 90’s (90-90-90) treatment targets set by UNAIDS to help end the AIDS epidemic. …