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Le PSN 2018-2022 vise la réduction des nouvelles infections chez les adultes et les adolescent(e)s, l’élimination de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant, la réduction de la mortalité liée au VIH, le soutien pour l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des PVVIH, la lutte contre toutes les formes de discrimination et la promotion des droits humains ainsi que le renforcement de la gouvernance pour une riposte durable et efficiente. Principes directeurs du PSN: 1. …
The National HIV and AIDS Strategic Framework (NSF) 2017-2021 succeeds the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Framework 2010-2015 and the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2010-2015. This NSF was developed through a highly participatory and consultative process that involved a wide cross-section of stakeholders. Vision of the National Strategic Framework The vision of the NSF is “An AIDS-free Nigeria, with zero new infection, zero AIDS-related discrimination and stigma”. …
On World AIDS Day 2018, HIV testing is being brought into the spotlight. And for good reason. Around the world, 37 million people are living with HIV, the highest number ever, yet a quarter do not know that they have the virus.
A key strategy of the South African national response to HIV is the scale-up of HIV counselling and testing (HCT) in the 15–49 years age group. The integrated school health policy aims to guide the roll out of youth-friendly health services including the provision of HCT in schools. Using a discrete choice experiment to examine preferences regarding the attributes of HCT service packages, this study identifies barriers to and facilitators of HCT among high school learners. …
The Department of Basic Education National Policy on HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Tuberculosis 2017 was developed through a participatory consultative process with stakeholders inside and outside the Basic Education sector. The Policy presents a bold new vision for the sector, to drive the response on HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) as well as Tuberculosis.
The 2015-2020 Ethiopia HIV /AIDS prevention care and treatment Strategic plan was developed in an Investment case approach by focusing on four core elements namely, understand the problem, design the optimal program to solve the problem, deliver and sustain for impact and ending AIDS. This investment cases aims to pave the path for ending AIDS by 2030 through averting 70,000- 80,000 new HIV infections and saving about half a million lives till 2020. The targets set in this investment case are in line with the three 90’s (90-90-90) treatment targets set by UNAIDS to help end the AIDS epidemic. …
The purpose of the framework is to: i. Provide an overall strategy for the planning, coordination and implementation of the multi-sectoral national response based on available evidence; ii. Articulate national priorities, expected outcomes and targets that all stakeholders should work towards, based on their respective mandates, resources and comparative advantage; iii. …
Das Nationale Programm HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (NPHS) 2011-2017 beschreibt die Strategie zur Prävention sowie zur Diagnose und Behandlung von HIV und anderen STI. Es basiert auf der gesetzlichen Grundlage des Epidemiengesetzes. Der Schwerpunkt der Strategie liegt auf besonders gefährdeten Gruppen und auf bereits Infizierten und ihren Partnerinnen und Partnern. Die Strategie fokussiert darauf, die Bevölkerung auf die Gefährdung der sexuellen Gesundheit zu sensibilisieren und sie zu deren Erhalt sowie zum Schutz vor sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen zu befähigen.
This report is the result of a collaborative effort between members of the Asia Pacific Inter-Agency Task Team on Young Key Populations and UNICEF. It highlights the HIV crisis for vulnerable adolescents in Asia and the Pacific and what we can do to give them the support they desperately need. If we fail to do this, the world will not get to where it wants to be: ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
The NCHADS’ Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention and Care 2008-2010 is based upon a series of goals and objectives, and the core operational strategies by which these objectives will be met; and is structured around ten programme elements under which activities are planned and budgeted in NCHADS and provinces. For each programme area there are also a set of output and outcome indicators, for which targets for the Plan are set, and by which NCHADS will monitor and assess progress in the implementation of the plan; this is described in the final section of the Plan.
HIV/AIDS is a disease of the human immune system caused by infection with human immune deficiency virus (HIV).According to Ministry of Health, in Ethiopia the highest prevalence of HIV is seen in the age group 15-24 years. VCT is internationally acknowledged as essential strategic for HIV prevention and also entry point to AIDS care.Voluntary counseling and testing is vitally important and one of the national strategy to control HIV/AIDS epidemics especially among young adults. …
Dans l'objectif de poursuivre la lutte contre le VIH et le SIDA dont les effets bénéfiques ont été déjà constatés dans tout le pays, le présent Guide a été élaboré sur l'initiative du Secrétariat Exécutif du Comité National de Lutte contre le Sida pour permettre à chaque citoyen de connaître ses droits concernant la prévention, le dépistage, les soins concernant le VIH et le SIDA ainsi que la protection des droits des personnes vivant avec le VIH et le SIDA.
La présente loi a pour objet : de lutter contre la propagation de l’affection causée par le Virus de l’Immunodéficience Humaine (VIH) entraînant la diminution et la perte de défenses immunitaires de l’organisme, se traduisant par le Syndrome d’Immuno-Déficience Acquise (SIDA) ; de protéger les personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA contre toutes formes de discrimination ou de stigmatisation ; de réaffirmer leurs droits et libertés fondamentaux conformément aux instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l’homme. Elle indique également les mesures de protection des droits du ou des partenaire …
Le présent projet de loi a pour objet de : combler un vide juridique ; mettre en place Ie cadre juridique de la lutte contre Ie VIH/SIDA dans Ie domaine de la prise en charge globale des personnes infectées ou affectées et dans celui de la prévention pour freiner la propagation de I'infection à VIH/SIDA ; éliminer toutes les formes de stigmatisation et de discrimination à I'égard des personnes infectées ou affectées par Ie VIH/SIDA et de promouvoir les attitudes positives à I'endroit de ces personnes ; encourager ces dernières à s'acquitter de leurs devoirs vis-a-vis des personnes non infectée …
The comprehensive aim of this strategy is that at the end of the strategy period, Norway will be a society that accepts and copes with HIV in a way that both limits new infection and gives persons living with HIV good conditions for social inclusion in all phases of their lives. Specific objectives: 1) Increase the knowledge about and awareness of HIV and AIDS in the population. 2) Reduce stigmatisation and discrimination associated with HIV. …