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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. HIV/AIDS in health, education and participation: an action space for youth involvement in the SADC Region

    In the SADC region, the HIV/AIDS rate is one of the fastest growing. This is especially true in the case of young adults and adolescent children. It is important to begin indoctrinating these children with comprehensive health skills and stronger self esteem to protect themselves. Mitchell presents strategies for both formal and nonformal education to reform education systems to begin preparing youth to assume the physical responsibilities to prevent the further spread of HIV/AIDS. Youth needs to be targeted to become the voice to speak to their peers and change the course of this epidemic.

  2. HIV/AIDS as a development challenge in South Africa: the responses of youth organizations in KwaZulu-Natal province

    The study investigates HIV/AIDS as a development challenge in South Africa. The aims of this study were to: a) Identify the strength and weaknesses of the youth organisations' HIV/AIDS interventions b) To assess the link that exists between youth organisations and developmental initiatives by government in KwaZulu-Natal. c) To assist KwaZulu-Natal youth organisations to develop coherent interventionist strategies to deal with the pandemic. d) To identify appropriate links to be made between youth organisations and civil society organisations on, specifically on HIV/AIDS related issues.

  3. HIV prevention with especially vulnerable young people: case studies of success and innovation

    In 2004, the World Health Organisation's Department of HIV/AIDS and the UK Department for International Development (DfID) supported the Safe Passages to Adulthood programme to develop a joint publication entitled HIV/AIDS prevention and care for especially vulnerable young people: a framework for action. This offers a straightforward guide to priority setting, outlining five core principles underpinning effective HIV/AIDS prevention programming with young people. …

  4. Focus: Young People and HIV/AIDS

    Focus: Young People and HIV/AIDS

  5. Beacon of Hope: Evaluation of the Kenya Girl Guides Association HIV/AIDS Program for School Children

    HIV infection rates among young Kenyan women outnumber those of young men by nearly six to one. Younger adolescents (10-15 years old) get most of their information about sexuality from their peers, who need to be equipped with accurate information and skills in order to better carry out their communication role.The Kenya Girl Guides Association (KGGA) reaches over 100,000 school-going adolescents and has recently embarked on a "Peer Education on HIV and AIDS Prevention" program to equip girls and their peers with information and skills regarding HIV prevention and care. …


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