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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Educación integral de la sexualidad en el sistema educativo guatemalteco: un estado del arte

    La presente publicación aborda el tema de educación integral de la sexualidad, a partir de la elaboración de un Estado del Arte, que consiste en la recopilación y revisión de información disponible sobre el tema, sus antecedentes históricos generados a nivel internacional en donde las principales acciones surgen dentro del marco de la educación en población, como una preocupación por los acelerados cambios en el crecimiento demográfico. …

  2. Child marriage in West and Central Africa at a glance

    Child marriage in West and Central Africa is one of the biggest challenges in the region and has enormous adverse effects on education, health, including sexual and reproductive health, and on the overall development of adolescents and youth. This brochure provides recent data and analysis of child marriage in the region.

  3. Why addressing child marriage and adolescent pregnancy is essential to achieving the demographic dividend in West and Central Africa: position paper

    This position paper presents several strong arguments about why it is imperative to address child marriage and adolescent pregnancy, if we want to succeed in harnessing the demographic dividend in West and Central Africa. It also provides recommendations on the key actions different stakeholder groups can take to make this a reality.

  4. State of world population 2018: the power of choice: reproductive rights and the demographic transition

    The global trend towards smaller families is a reflection of people making reproductive choices to have as few or as many children as they want, when they want. When people lack choice, it can have a long-term impact on fertility rates, often making them higher or lower than what most people desire.

  5. Why addressing child marriage and adolescent pregnancy is essential to achieving the demographic dividend in West and Central Africa: policy brief

    Girls are subject to child marriage, female genital mutilation and limited education and as such, are denied equality of opportunities. At the beginning of 2016, the African Union Heads of State and Government underlined a commitment to put young people and women first by agreeing to focus on “Harnessing the demographic dividend through investments in youth” throughout 2017 and beyond. UNFPA in West and Central Africa recognizes the critical importance of investing in adolescents and youth, particularly adolescent girls. …

  6. The youth bulge and HIV

    In many sub-Saharan African countries, declines in child mortality combined with a slow decline in fertility have resulted in children and young adults comprising a large part of the overall population. This is known as the youth bulge. The youth bulge is not new. Younger generations have almost always been larger than the previous generation. However, before the twentieth century, high child mortality meant that a large proportion of children did not survive to adulthood. …

  7. Burundi : enquête démographique et de santé 2016-2017 rapport de synthèse

    La troisième Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Burundi de 2016-2017 (EDSB-III) est une enquête par sondage représentative au niveau national. L’EDSB-III fournit des informations dans plusieurs domaines comme la fécondité, l’activité sexuelle, les préférences en matière de fécondité, la connaissance et l’utilisation des méthodes de planification familiale. …

  8. Reproductive Health Survey Russia 2011: executive summary

    Specific objectives of the RURHS11 were: to assess current levels and trends in fertility, abortion, contraception, and various other reproductive health indicators; to enable policy makers, program managers, and researchers to evaluate existing reproductive health programs and develop new strategies; to study factors that affect fertility, contraceptive use, and maternal and infant health, such as geographic and sociodemographic factors, breastfeeding patterns, use of induced abortion, and availability of family planning services; to identify characteristics of women at increased risk of uni …

  9. Estimating numbers of orphans and vulnerable children – a test of regression modeling

    An earlier study reported a tight linear fit between national adult HIV prevalence and the percentage of children living in a household with at least one HIV-positive adult. MEASURE Evaluation extended this analysis to all existing DHS data sets with HIV testing, to determine the feasibility of using regression modeling to estimate the size of two priority groups: (1) children living with at least one adult who is HIV-positive, and (2) orphans and coresident children living with at least one adult who is HIV-positive.

  10. Uganda demographic and health survey 2016: key indicators report

    The main purpose of the 2016 UDHS is to provide the data needed to monitor and evaluate population, health, and nutrition programmes on a regular basis. Increasing emphasis by planners and policy makers on the utilisation of objective indicators for policy formulation, planning, and measuring progress has increased the reliance on regular household survey data, given the inadequate availability of appropriate information from administrative statistics and other routine data-collection systems. …

  11. Nepal demographic and health survey 2016: key indicators report

    The primary objective of the 2016 NDHS project is to provide up-to-date estimates of basic demographic and health indicators. Specifically, the 2016 NDHS collected information on fertility levels, marriage, fertility preferences, awareness and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, nutrition, maternal and child health and mortality, awareness and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS, women’s empowerment and domestic violence, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other health related issues such as smoking, knowledge of tuberculosis, and prevalence of hypertension. …

  12. Afghanistan: demographic and health survey 2015

    The primary objective of the 2015 AfDHS project is to provide up-to-date estimates of basic demographic and health indicators. Specifically, the AfDHS collected information on knowledge and practice of family planning, fertility levels, marriage, fertility preferences, child feeding practices, nutritional status of children and women, childhood mortality, maternal and child health, awareness and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS, knowledge about other illnesses (e.g., tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C), women’s empowerment and domestic violence. …

  13. The adolescent experience in-depth: using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people: Tanzania 2009-2012

    This report presents a secondary data analysis and triangulation of the Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2010, the Tanzania HIV and Malaria Indicator Survey (THMIS) 2011-12, and the Violence Against Children in Tanzania Survey (VACS) 2009. Its objectives are to analyse approximately 40 key indicators related to knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and outcomes (e.g. …

  14. Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth in Cambodia: analysis of 2000-2014 Cambodia Demographic and Health survey data

    This report presents findings from a secondary analysis of four waves of the Cambodia Demographic and Health Surveys, 2000 to 2014, with support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Australian in Cambodia. One aim of this report was to describe the current state of the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth in Cambodia and this was achieved through the analysis of data on young women aged 15-24 years from the four Cambodian Demographic and Health Surveys (CDHS) conducted in 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2014. …

  15. Rwanda demographic and health survey 2014/2015

    The main objective of the 2014-15 RDHS was to obtain current information on demographic and health indicators, including family planning; maternal mortality; infant and child mortality; nutrition status of mothers and children; prenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care; childhood diseases; and pediatric immunization. In addition, the survey was designed to measure indicators such as domestic violence, the prevalence of anemia and malaria among women and children, and the prevalence of HIV infection in Rwanda. …


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