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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Expanding the evidence base and networks for sexual violence response in East and Southern Africa: completion report for the period May 2014–February 2018

    The Population Council’s cooperation with Regional Team for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), and Embassy of Sweden, Lusaka (‘the Team’) on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in East and Southern Africa has spanned over a decade, emerging in late 2006 in response to high levels of SGBV in the region, coupled with minimal understanding of how to respond to the issue in the low-resource settings that this region includes. …

  2. A toolkit for integrating menstrual hygiene management (MHM) into humanitarian response

    The Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in Emergencies toolkit aims to provide streamlined guidance to support organizations and agencies seeking to rapidly integrate MHM into existing programming across sectors and phases.

  3. Addressing school-related gender-based violence is critical for safe learning environments in refugee contexts

    Crises, conflict and displacement lead to heightened insecurities – physical, psychological, social and financial - for affected populations including refugees.

  4. Integrated school health: a manual for teachers

    The aim of this manual is to focus health education in schools towards nutrition disorders, infections and diseases that affect school-age children and community members living in and around Kakuma Refugee camp today. The manual forms part of an integrated approach to school health, and provides education and information around a set of interventions which seek to incorporate sanitation, health and nutrition into a school based platform to bring about improvements to child health in the camp. …

  5. Adolescent health, global guidelines versus local realities: the Sub-Saharan Africa experience

    As the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) evolves, further discussion and documentation of national policy and aspects of its implementation is needed to ensure effectiveness of interventions. Further research is required to foster beneficial shifts in policy advocacy, including resource allocation, and in the prioritization of adolescent programs in health and education systems, in communities and in workplaces. Adolescents are exposed to diverse interventions across all the countries under discussion; however there exist obstacles to realization of ASRH goals. …

  6. Rapport VIH 2012

    Le Tchad a mis en œuvre un nouveau cadre stratégique national de riposte au sida pour la période 2012-2015. Le gouvernement tchadien, avec l’appui des partenaires au développement consentit de gros efforts pour consolider les acquis de l’ancien cadre stratégique d’une part, et d’autre part, pour obtenir de nouveaux fondamentaux à la riposte au sida. Les activités du Cadre Stratégique National de 2012-1015 (bien qu’à son début) s’inscrivent dans la continuité de celui de 2007-2011 en matière de la riposte nationale au VIH et au sida. …

  7. Evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention through peer education, counselling, health care, training and urban refuges in Ghana

    Since 1996, Ireland Aid has supported UNICEF Ghana in the implementation of five activities that promote behaviour change to limit the spread of HIV/AIDS and STIs. The interventions are run by different local organisations, and have provided over 75,000 in and out-of-school youth and commercial sex workers with preventive education. People retained the information given, are knowledgeable about how HIV is transmitted, and can name key preventive methods. They pass on the information to their friends. Commercial sex workers were empowered to support one another in negotiating for safer sex. …

  8. Resilience amidst adversity: Being gay and African in the new century

    This report gives an overview of what it means to be gay and African in the early part of the 21st century. Commissioned by The Atlantic Philanthropies and the OTHER Foundation, it also highlights organisations working to improve the situation and the funders supporting such activities. This is not an academic publication. It is meant to provide information about the conditions facing gay people throughout the continent and show that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people are often pawns, vulnerable pawns, for those seeking power. …

  9. Mujeres y vulnerabilidades ente el VIH/SIDA en la Región de Arica y Parinacota: Diálogos participativos 2011

    Este documento presenta los resultados de los diálogos participativos realizados en la ciudad de Arica entre octubre y noviembre del 2011. En éstos participaron cerca de 80 mujeres. Se convocó a mujeres de origen aymara; mujeres afrodescendientes; mujeres privadas de libertad; mujeres migrantes, refugiadas y solicitantes de la condición de refugio; mujeres adultas, jóvenes y adultas mayores. …

  10. Sexual orientation and gender identity and the protection of forced migrants

    Around the world, people face abuse, arbitrary arrest, extortion, violence, severe discrimination and lack of official protection because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. This latest issue of FMR includes 26 articles on the abuse of rights of forced migrants who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex. Authors discuss both the challenges faced and examples of good practice in securing protection for LGBTI forced migrants.

  11. Strengthening national responses to HIV and adolescents in emergency situations: lessons learned from Côte d'Ivoire and Haiti

    many years, and a growing number of organizations are including a focus on young people, HIV/ASRH and humanitarian settings into their work. Despite this, however, there is on‐going concern that young people in general, and adolescents in particular (10-19 years) do not receive sufficient ttention in humanitarian settings, and that this has both important immediate implications for their health during the emergencies, and also much longer-term implications for them, their families and their communities. This report aims to respond to these concerns. …

  12. The road to safety. Strengthening protection for LGBTI refugees in Uganda and Kenya

    In this report, Human Rights First has provided a comprehensive road map of practical steps that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the U.S. government, host states, and other key actors should take to protect LGBTI refugees from violence and provide them with equal access to protection and effective durable solutions. This road map will be particularly useful as UNHCR, U.S. agencies, and other actors take steps to implement commitments to address the gaps in protection facing vulnerable LGBTI refugees. …

  13. Mobility, migration and HIV vulnerability of populations along the ports of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: Situation and response analysis

    The relationship between HIV and mobility is widely recognized. While mobility and migration are not risk factors for HIV by themselves, the often harsh, unsafe and isolated conditions surrounding the mobility process can give rise to behaviours strongly associated with increased vulnerability to HIV, while also posing barriers to access to HIV prevention, treatment and care. …

  14. Tackling violence in school: A global perspective. Bridging the gap between standards and practice

    On any given day, more than one billion children around the world attend school. Many of these children enjoy their right to be taught in a safe and stimulating environment. For many others, however, schooling does not guarantee such opportunity. These girls and boys are exposed to bullying, sexual and gender-based violence, corporal punishment and other forms of violence with or without the approval of education authorities. Many are also exposed to schoolyard fighting, gang violence, assault with weapons, and sexual and gender-based violence by their own peers. …

  15. Plan d'action triennal opérationnel de lutte contre la féminisation de l'épidémie du sida et les violences basées sur le genre en RDC (2010-2012)

    La situation générale de l'épidémie du VIH/sida en RDC se caractérise par sa tendance à la féminisation, à la juvénilisation et à la ruralisation. Parmi les déterminants qui favorisent sa propagation figurent l'ignorance des précautions à prendre pour éviter de contracter le virus, l'accès limité aux services de prévention, les conditions de vie difficile, la promiscuité, la précocité des rapports sexuels, le multi partenariat sexuel et la mobilité des populations. …


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