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The radio script is a departure from the usual kind of radio lessons in the life-skills programme. Here in a panel discussion, a team of people, including four young people and a medical expert, are brought together to discuss the various issues that form the themes of this material. The script can be used at all three levels, although you will want to emphasise different aspects of it at each level. It focuses on drug abuse, alcohol abuse and the effects of peer pressure. …
The Higher Education and Training HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS) is a national programme to develop and support the HIV/TB/STI and General Health and Wellness mitigation initiatives at South Africa’s public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. HEAIDS has introduced an innovative youth development project known as ‘Future Beats’, funded by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and the DHET. …
Despite the progress being made in the global response to HIV and AIDS, stigma remains a major obstacle to prevention and treatment. It is manifested in many different ways and fear of disgrace prevents people from coming forward for HIV testing and treatment. Key populations – sex workers and their clients, men who have sex with men, the transgender community and people who inject drugs – are particularly affected. The role of the media in tackling HIV related stigma is crucial. It is seen as one of the drivers of HIV reduction, yet the media is far from reaching its full potential. …
Background: As teenagers have easy access to both radio programs and cell phones, the current study used these tools so that young people could anonymously identify questions about sex and other related concerns in the urban environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The purpose of this healthcare intervention was to identify and address concerns raised by young people, which are related to sexual health, and which promote youth health. Methods: This healthcare intervention was conducted over a six month period and consisted of a survey carried out in Kinshasa. …
Institutions have varying track records when it comes to conducting HIV and AIDS campaigns. Some hardly engage in HIV and AIDS communication, while others do so regularly and in a creative way. These guidelines are a practical way of laying a foundation of good practice and enabling both campaign-experienced and inexperienced campuses to run sound campaigns. …
O presente relatório procura de forma sintética reportar o resultado da monitoria feita nas seis rádios comunitárias que fazem parte do programa financiado pela UNESCO para a produção de programas radiofónicos que incidissem nos aspectos sócio culturais, género HIV e Saúde Sexual Reprodutiva.
This is a study of the association of radio and television exposure with different aspects of reproductive behavior and with knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in connection with HIV/AIDS. The measures of mass media are limited to the frequency that women and men report listening to the radio and watching television, which are standard questions in the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). Only the frequency is assessed; the DHS does not obtain information on programmatic content. …
Context: An entertainment-education radio soap opera, Apwe Plezi, was broadcast from February 1996 to September 1998 in St. Lucia. The program promoted family planning, HIV prevention and other social development themes. Methods: The program's effects were assessed through analyses of data from nationally representative pretest and posttest surveys, focus-group discussions and other qualitative and quantitative sources. Results: Among 1,238 respondents to the posttest survey, 35% had listened to Apwe Plezi, including 12% who listened at least once per week. …
The report focuses on how people of different social groups in Zambia gather, share and assess information on key health issues. It showcases how the AudienceScapes survey data can be used by the development community to better target communications and information-sharing efforts.
Ce manuel a pour objectif principal de développer et d'utiliser une pédagogie sanitaire et radiophonique portant sur trois programmes : Santé de la reproduction des adolescents ; VIH/SIDA ; Éducation à la vie familiale et éducation en matière de population (EVF/EMP). Le manuel vise l'amélioration de la qualification des communicateurs en charge d'animer les programmes de santé, grâce à une formation de proximité. …
In Ghana and Kenya, campaigns to educate people about HIV/AIDS seem to be reaching their intended audiences. The 2009 AudienceScapes surveys in these countries suggest that information about this serious disease is readily accessible to most people - particularly on the radio.
Despite numerous national campaigns and millions of dollars spent on education and health services, HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in Tanzania remain at epidemic levels. Research has shown that it is important for anti-HIV initiatives to target the country's most vulnerable and high risk populations who contribute disproportionately to the spread of the illness. But what are the best ways for public health professionals to deliver information about HIV prevention to these populations? …
"Entre jóvenes. Comunicación y VIH" es un proyecto con diferentes líneas de acción, parte de un trabajo integral de la Red Regional Entre Jóvenes, que nuclea a cerca de cien organizaciones juveniles de base, urbanas y rurales, del MERCOSUR (Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay), de países andinos (Ecuador y Perú) y de Cuba. Desarrolla estrategias para jóvenes preocupados por dos derechos que les son propios: el derecho a la comunicación y el derecho a la salud. …
Me, You and AIDS is one of an ever-growing series of learning materials produced under a UNESCO-DANIDA workshop for the preparation of post-literacy materials and radio programmes for women and girls in Africa, in 2000. Written by Africans for Africans, this booklet aims to produce gender-sensitive material in the context of the DANIDA-UNESCO Special Project for Education of Girls and Women in Africa. There is an effort to respond to urgent issues and problem facing African women and men today. …
Publication qui décrit un projet de marketing social au Niger. Le marketing social applique des méthodes de marketing commercial pour améliorer les connaissances, modifier les comportements et encourager certaines pratiques, notamment l'utilisation de contraceptifs pour améliorer la santé publique. L'article passe en revue les méthodes et activités du projet.