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  Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Joannes Paulus II$

   2264 records found in Index Translationum database

1/2264 Joannes Paulus II, papa: Il buon pastore: scritti, discorsi e lettere pastorali [Italian] / Cywiak, Elizbieta; Panzone, Renzo / Roma: Logos [Italy], 1978. 155 p. [Polish]
2/2264 Joannes Paulus II, papa: Hoffnung so weit wie das Meer: Johannes Paul II. in Lateinamerika, d. Reise in Bild und Text [German] / Kevelaer: Butzon und Bercker [Germany], 1979. 159 p. ill. [Italian]
3/2264 Joannes Paulus II, papa: Mut zum Glauben: Beitr. [German] / Dollinger, Ingo / Sankt Agustin: Verlag Wort u. Werk [Germany], 1979. 97 p. ill. La fede della chiesa [Italian]
4/2264 Joannes Paulus II, papa: Enzyklika Redemptor hominis an die verehrten Mitbrüder im Bischofsamt... zum Beginn seines päpstlichen Amtes [German] / Würzburg: Naumann, Kevelaer: Butzon und Bercker [Germany], 1979. 111 p. Redemptor hominis [Latin]
5/2264 Joannes Paulus II, papa: Die Würde des Menschen in Christus: d. Antrittsenzyklika "Redemptor Hominis" Papst Johannes Pauls II [German] / Häring, Bernhard / Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder [Germany], 1979. 140 p. Redemptor hominis [Latin]
6/2264 Joannes Paulus II, papa: Zeichen des Widerspruchs: Besinnung auf Christus [German] / Berz, August / Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, Köln: Benziger [Germany], 1979. 237 p. Segno di contraddizione [Italian]
7/2264 Joannes Paulus II, papa: Fruitful and responsible love [English] / Slough: St Pauls Publications [United Kingdom], 1978. 74 p. [Italian]
8/2264 Joannes Paulus II, papa: The ministry of love: the first message to the world of Pope John Paul II, together with his first address to the College of Cardinals [English] / Barltrop, Keith; Leonard, George / London: Catholic Truth Society [United Kingdom], 1978. 2, 13 p. [Italian]
9/2264 Joannes Paulus II, papa: John Paul II in Mexico: his collected speeches [English] / London: Collins [United Kingdom], 1979. 158 p. Giovanni Paolo II a Puebla [Italian]
10/2264 Joannes Paulus II, papa: The letters of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II on the occasion of Holy Thursday 1979 to all the bishops and all the priests of the Church [English] / London: Catholic Truth Society [United Kingdom], 1979. 47 p. [Italian]