Cologne: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, BZGA, WHO Europe, 2010. 68 p.
Title other languages: 
Standards pour l'éducation sexuelle en Europe : Un cadre de référence pour les décideurs politiques, les autorités compétentes en matière d'éducation et de santé et les spécialistes
Estándares de educación sexual en Europa: Marco para las personas encargadas de formular políticas educativas, responsables y especialistas de salud
Стандарты сексуального образования в Европе: Документ для лиц, пределяющих политику, руководителей и специалистов в области образования и здравоохранения
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, BZgA
WHO Europe
This document presents recommended Standards for sexuality education. The Standards indicate what children and young people at different ages should know and understand, what situations or challenges they should be able to handle at those ages, and which values and attitudes they need to develop; all of this so that they can develop in a satisfactory, positive and healthy manner as regards their sexuality. This document can be used for advocacy as well as for the development or upgrading of curriculums at different levels of education.
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