New York, NY: Population Council, 2010.
Title other languages:
Un seul programme : guide et activités pour une approche pédagogique unifiée de la sexualité, du genre, du VIH et des droits humain
Un sólo currículo: pautas y actividades para un enfoque integrado hacia la educación en sexualidad, género, VIH y derechos humanos
It's all one curriculum: guidelines and activities for a unified approach to sexuality, gender, HIV, and human rights education (in Arabic)
It's all one curriculum: guidelines and activities for a unified approach to sexuality, gender, HIV, and human rights education (in Chinese)
International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group
It's All One Curriculum is a free, full-color resource for developing sexuality and HIV education curricula with an emphasis on gender and rights. It enables educators to teach young people about such topics as: Gender norms; Communication and decisionmaking; Sexual consent and coercion; Fairness and human rights (including sexual rights); Power and relationships; Preventing HIV, STIs, and unwanted pregnancy; Puberty; Social change. The first volume, Guidelines, includes seven content units, 22 fact sheets, points for reflection to foster critical thinking, and a module on advocacy. The second volume, Activities, includes 54 sample activities, a chapter on effective teaching methods, and an additional resources section.
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