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This review provides an overview of MHM policies and programmes in the ESA region, with a focus on education, school and community-based sexuality education, WASH, sexual and reproductive health, workplace support and humanitarian programming, as well as opening up the discussion regarding marginalized groups of women and girls such as disabled, prisoners and transgender men.
The iCAN package aims to help address the challenges facing adolescents and young people living in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region. It has been designed to support young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) and those who work with them, to help them understand their HIV positive status and empower them to plan their lives in ways that protect both their own health and that of others. The package can be used to complement existing materials focusing on sexual and reproductive health and HIV, and other youth-focused packages produced by partners working with YPLHIV. …
The Regional Comprehensive Sexuality Education Resource Package for Out of School Young People was developed to age and developmentally relevant international standards as a comprehensive set of teaching and learning materials for flexible use in settings outside the formal classrooms of the education sector. Several countries of East and Southern Africa have adapted this regional set of materials for nationally endorsed implementation. …
This report presents the results of a mapping of programmes and partnerships that seek to prevent and mitigate the effects of child marriage in East and Southern Africa. The mapping focused on 12 countries in the region where the prevalence of child marriage is greater than 30 per cent: Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. …
The impact of the HIV and AIDS epidemic is felt hardest by the individuals who are infected or affected by the disease, and in particular by individuals who are especially vulnerable to HIV infection due to stigma and discrimination, poverty, a lack of access to education, health and other services that promote HIV awareness. However, the impact of HIV and AIDS goes beyond the individual or household level – it affects nations as a whole. …
This report provides an overview of the HIV epidemics in eastern and southern Africa and of the region’s response and progress towards meeting the 2011 Political Declaration targets, while identifying noteworthy achievements and challenges. The report draws on the most recently available data from the Global AIDS Response Reporting System, national HIV estimation exercises, data gathered and generated by UNAIDS, its co-sponsors and national partners, and the many recent studies and surveys that have been conducted in the region. …
Nearly half of the world's population, some 3 billion people, is under the age of 25. As the largest generation ever of young people, investments in their health and well-being are crucial so they can make a positive transition into adulthood and fully contribute to the economic and social development of their families, communities and nations. But in order to develop strategies and mobilize financial resources to support adolescent and youth development, decisionmakers need reliable, up-to-date demographic, health, education and socioeconomic data about young people. …
From Talk to Action: Review of Women, Girls, and Gender Equality in National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS in Southern and Eastern Africa identifies: Evidence-informed priorities for addressing women, girls, and gender equality through National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS; Existing policy and programmatic gaps within National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS; Sample interventions and strategies for addressing women, girls, and gender equality within National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS. …
This table summarizes the status of legislation in relation to HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa. The approached subjects are anti-discrimination and equality, HIV specific legislation, gender violence/sexual offences, right to health care/reproductive health, child protection/vulnerable groups, property rights and inheritance, customary practices. This table was taken from "Supporting the response to the HIV epidemic in Eastern and Southern Africa through the international human rights framework", by UNDP.
Malgré la faible prévalence VIH des Comores, les autorités nationales placent le SIDA au premier rang des préoccupations du Gouvernement. Le présent document est le fruit d'un travail collectif mené dans le pays, pour constituer la base de références pendant cinq ans des stratégies à mettre en oeuvre par le PNLS (Programme National de Lutte contre le Sida) de manière multisectorielle sur les trois îles, afin de préserver la nation d'une progression de l'épidémie VIH/SIDA, en le maintenant dans la catégorie des pays à faible prévalence. …
This content analysis, which was carried out over a twelve month period spanning January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002 examines the manner in which the print and online media in the 13 countries report on HIV/AIDS. The main focus of the analyses is the treatment of stigmatisation and discrimination and whether writers adhere to journalistic ethics in their write-ups. It also covers the gender aspect in the coverage of HIV/AIDS and language use in the write-ups.