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Through the Purchase from Africans for Africa programme (PAA Africa), the FAO has been engaging in providing technical support to African Governments for building adapted and operational public food procurement methods from smallholder farmers for school feeding. …
The report on adolescent bodily integrity and freedom from violence is one of a series of short baseline reports focused on emerging mixed-methods findings from the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) longitudinal study baseline data collection. […] Drawing on a gender and capabilities framework, the report focuses on adolescents’ experiences and perceptions of age-, sexual and gender-based violence in Ethiopia, paying particular attention to gender and regional differences in risks and access to services as well as those between adolescents with disabilities and those without.
This Guide supports organizations working on MHM to encourage all girls and women to adopt safer menstrual hygiene practices. It also demonstrates how to work with communities and implement concrete actions for effective menstrual management. The target audience for MHM encompasses behavior change communication audiences referred to as primary participant groups –all women and girls - secondary audiences such as relevant technical officials at all levels, and advocacy or tertiary audiences – political leaders.
This is the first policy brief produced by the Young Marriage and Parenthood Study (YMAPS), looking at research findings from Young Lives (Ethiopia, Peru, Vietnam and the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana) and Child Frontiers (Zambia).
The report, The Crisis in the Classroom: The State of the World’s Toilets 2018, reveals the countries where children are struggling most to access a toilet at school and at home, and highlights those that have made good progress. It calls on governments to take urgent action to make decent toilets normal not just for children but for everyone everywhere by 2030.
This review provides an overview of MHM policies and programmes in the ESA region, with a focus on education, school and community-based sexuality education, WASH, sexual and reproductive health, workplace support and humanitarian programming, as well as opening up the discussion regarding marginalized groups of women and girls such as disabled, prisoners and transgender men.
The iCAN package aims to help address the challenges facing adolescents and young people living in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region. It has been designed to support young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) and those who work with them, to help them understand their HIV positive status and empower them to plan their lives in ways that protect both their own health and that of others. The package can be used to complement existing materials focusing on sexual and reproductive health and HIV, and other youth-focused packages produced by partners working with YPLHIV. …
The Regional Comprehensive Sexuality Education Resource Package for Out of School Young People was developed to age and developmentally relevant international standards as a comprehensive set of teaching and learning materials for flexible use in settings outside the formal classrooms of the education sector. Several countries of East and Southern Africa have adapted this regional set of materials for nationally endorsed implementation. …
This report presents the results of a mapping of programmes and partnerships that seek to prevent and mitigate the effects of child marriage in East and Southern Africa. The mapping focused on 12 countries in the region where the prevalence of child marriage is greater than 30 per cent: Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. …
This report focuses on the implementation and outcomes of the second phase of the School Health Integrated Programming (SHIP) initiative. The overall aim of the initiative is to create a foundation by which countries have the awareness, capacity, and operational and technical resources to include school health and nutrition (SHN) into their education sector plans. The second phase of SHIP focused on the following objectives: 1. Analyze and understand the cost drivers of delivering integrated school-based vision screening and provide guidance for scaling up these interventions; 2. …
This manual provides practical principles and activities for planning and implementing vision screening and deworming in the education sector in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Senegal, based on the School Health Integrated Program (SHIP). The manual is divided into four different sections aimed at different audiences: Part 1: For Global Partnership for Education partners, including donors, country partners, civil society organizations, private organizations, and foundations. Part 2: For Ministry of Education staff who work with school health and nutrition programs. …
Community Based Rehabilitation Network Ethiopia (CBRNE) and Light for the World partnered together to learn how best to provide CBR professionals, service providers and parents the skills they need to reach, teach, inform and discuss with girls with intellectual disabilities about sexuality. As part of the project, CBR organisations attended a three day sensitization workshop, where they discussed the need and possible methodologies to address the sexual and reproductive health needs of women with intellectual disabilities. …
Recent decades have seen a push for gender parity in education in low resource countries. Attention is shifting to how school environments hinder the achievement of gender equality. One effort, primarily led by the water, sanitation and hygiene sector, includes a focus on the needs of menstruating girls.
SNV launched the five-country Girls in Control menstrual hygiene pilot programme in January 2014, building on insights and experience gained from implementing school-based water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programmes in 14 countries. This report presents the findings of baseline studies on the menstrual hygiene management of schoolgirls, conducted in the five project countries: Ethiopia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
The 2015-2020 Ethiopia HIV /AIDS prevention care and treatment Strategic plan was developed in an Investment case approach by focusing on four core elements namely, understand the problem, design the optimal program to solve the problem, deliver and sustain for impact and ending AIDS. This investment cases aims to pave the path for ending AIDS by 2030 through averting 70,000- 80,000 new HIV infections and saving about half a million lives till 2020. The targets set in this investment case are in line with the three 90’s (90-90-90) treatment targets set by UNAIDS to help end the AIDS epidemic. …