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Through the Purchase from Africans for Africa programme (PAA Africa), the FAO has been engaging in providing technical support to African Governments for building adapted and operational public food procurement methods from smallholder farmers for school feeding. …
This review provides an overview of MHM policies and programmes in the ESA region, with a focus on education, school and community-based sexuality education, WASH, sexual and reproductive health, workplace support and humanitarian programming, as well as opening up the discussion regarding marginalized groups of women and girls such as disabled, prisoners and transgender men.
The iCAN package aims to help address the challenges facing adolescents and young people living in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region. It has been designed to support young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) and those who work with them, to help them understand their HIV positive status and empower them to plan their lives in ways that protect both their own health and that of others. The package can be used to complement existing materials focusing on sexual and reproductive health and HIV, and other youth-focused packages produced by partners working with YPLHIV. …
The Regional Comprehensive Sexuality Education Resource Package for Out of School Young People was developed to age and developmentally relevant international standards as a comprehensive set of teaching and learning materials for flexible use in settings outside the formal classrooms of the education sector. Several countries of East and Southern Africa have adapted this regional set of materials for nationally endorsed implementation. …
This report presents the results of a mapping of programmes and partnerships that seek to prevent and mitigate the effects of child marriage in East and Southern Africa. The mapping focused on 12 countries in the region where the prevalence of child marriage is greater than 30 per cent: Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. …
Story of a national program that has been a school for social, academic and professional development for thousands of peer educators and government employees and throughout the years, the program has freed local communities from the stranglehold of taboos on sex, education and the role of young people in society. …
The Go Girls! Toolkit is designed to support a comprehensive program that aims to reduce girls’ vulnerability to HIV/AIDS by reaching out to communities, schools, parents, boys and young girls using participatory awareness raising, community action items, and skills building tools. The tools have been pilot tested in the three implementation countries – Malawi, Mozambique, and Botswana – and revised based on the feedback from the facilitators and participants in each of the three countries
The report documents the process of scaling up comprehensive sexuality education and the status of sexuality education in East and Southern Africa.
Young people have the right to live healthy sexual and reproductive lives. Yet, adolescents and youth (those between the ages of 10 and 24) often face social, cultural, economic, and structural barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health information and services at a time when they need these services the most, making them vulnerable to poor health outcomes. Emerging global guidance suggests that, to reach youth in a sustainable and scalable way, youth-friendly services must be mainstreamed in the community and health systems. …
School-based adolescent health education programs represent a durable strategy in reducing the spread of HIV because they can leverage pre-existing social and organizational structures to reach large fractions of students at critical life stages. Many evaluations of school-based HIV programs draw on multilevel study designs that assign schools to treatment conditions or assign students to treatment conditions within blocks defined by school membership. …
Sustainable access to basic sanitation in school is well featured in the Education for All (EFA) goals and Millennium Development Goal (MDG). The United Nations General Assembly of 2010 declared access to sanitation as a human right (United Nations, 2010) in association with the MDG #7, with a particular target to “halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation” by 2015
This paper interrogates the influence of a tradition-modernity dichotomy on perspectives and practices on sexual violence and sexual relationships involving girls in three districts of Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique. Through deploying an analytical framework of positioning within multiple discursive sites, the authors argue that although the dichotomy misrepresents the complexity of contemporary communities, it is nonetheless deployed by girls, educational initiatives and researchers in their reflections on girls’ sexual practices and sexual violence. …
In 2015, AIDSFree conducted a review of the PEPFAR Gender-Based Violence Initiative (GBVI) in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, and Tanzania. The $55 million, three-year, interagency initiative integrated GBV prevention and response into existing HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs at health facility, community, and policy levels. …
Girls are vulnerable to HIV in part because the social systems in which they live have failed to protect them. This study evaluates a program aimed at making schools safe for girl learners in order to reduce girls’ vulnerability to HIV in Botswana, Malawi, and Mozambique. In addition to an extensive process evaluation with school personnel program participants, program facilitators, and community members, a cross-sectional post-intervention survey was conducted among adolescent girls in the three countries. The total sample size was 1249 adolescent girls (ages 11–18). …
This report is a consolidated summary and analysis of the status of comprehensive sexuality education for teacher training in 21 countries in the East and Southern Africa region.