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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Revue des interventions d'éducation préventive VIH/SIDA dans le secteur éducatif au Sénégal : rapport final

    This study financed by the UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa proceeds with an analysis of the different HIV/AIDS prevention interventions carried out in the school system in Senegal. The study shows that in Senegal, the educational system has become engaged very early in the fight against AIDS. The interventions have been coordinated by the National AIDS and Education Committee (CILS/MEN) which has facilitated the implementation of training and sensitisation activities and the production of didactic materials. At the same time, NGOs became active in this field. Although a lot of progress has been made through these interventions, more could have achieved if interventions within the educational system had been better coordinated: several sub sectors of the educational system have not been targeted.

  2. Life skills approach to child and adolescent healthy human development

    This paper describes life skills approach as a best-practice that contribute to the healthy development of adolescents. This approach falls into three complementary basic categories: i) Social or interpersonal skills, including communication, negotiation skills, assertiveness, cooperation, empathy; ii) Cognitive skills, including problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, self-evaluation and iii) Emotional coping skills.

  3. Les pratiques d'une vie saine


  4. Etude sur les initiatives en matière de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA à l'école : bilan des initiatives de 1990 à 2001

    Depuis 1990, le Sénégal a initié des projets de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA grâce à l'effort conjugué d'un ensemble d'acteurs. Ce résumé analytique fait le bilan des initiatives de lutte et tente de répondre à des questions comme : quels sont les acteurs impliqués dans la lutte ? quels sont les objectifs, les stratégies, les moyens mis en oeuvre ? Quel est l'impact de ces interventions sur le public scolaire ? Ces initiatives sont-elles de nature à justifier le faible niveau de prévalence de l'infection du VIH/SIDA au Sénégal ?

  5. Evaluative research in population education : manual arising out of a Regional Training workshop

    This manual is the output of a Regional Training Workshop on Evaluative research in Population Education. The manual is a simplistic presentation of the very basics of monitoring, evaluation and evaluative research as applied to population education.

  6. Soyons fidèles et le SIDA nous fuira

    Soyons fidèles et le SIDA nous fuira

  7. Female sex worker HIV prevention projects: lessons learnt from Papua New Guinea, India and Bangladesh

    The importance of designing and implementing successful targeted interventions for sex workers as part of HIV prevention and control cannot be over-emphasised. In almost every country, sex workers comprise a focal point of the epidemic. They are the victims of discrimination, often violently intense, trafficking, legal persecution and societal ambivalence as well as one of the first occupational groups to become heavily infected. The infection passes from sex workers back to their clients and into the general population of women, men and children. One of the clearest public health lessons emerging from the HIV pandemic is that protecting the human rights of sex workers is an important means of prevention.

  8. Communications programming for HIV/AIDS: an Annotated bibliography

    This bibliography contains 667 references and has been organised according to recent findings in the review of the application of current communication frameworks on HIV/AIDS communications. …

  9. Education for the prevention of AIDS: posters

    Ce catalogue répertorie la sélection d'affiches de prévention reçues au Centre de Documentation sur l'Education pour la Prévention du SIDA en milieu scolaire (ASERC) de l'UNESCO, Paris, France.

  10. Joli coeur

    A cheerful heart is the adaptation of a play entitled "Beware of appearances" or "appearances can be deceptive" written by the students of Dabout, Côte d'Ivoire. This was done at the initiative of the Dabout AIDS Control Committee. The play was awarded a prize at a competition called "" organized by Médecins du Monde, the Regional Centre for Information and Prevention of AIDS and the AIDS Prevention Association.

  11. AIDS, it's time for schools to act!

    Ce documentaire, fait en 1993, donne un aperçu des expériences d'éducation scolaire pour la prévention du Sida menées dans le monde, parfois avec l'aide de l'UNESCO et de l'OMS. Son but était de sensibiliser les responsables de l'éducation de tous les pays au rôle important que doit jouer l'école dans la prévention du Sida chez les jeunes. Alors tout comme aujourd'hui, l'enjeu était trop important pour que l'école reste à l'écart des actions de prévention destinées aux jeunes. …

  12. Série de documents d'information OMS sur la santé scolaire. Document N° 6 Prévenir le VIH/SIDA et les MST et lutter contre la discrimination qu'ils entraînent : une des tâches des écoles-santé

    Ce document de la série de l'OMS consacrée aux questions de santé scolaire a pour but d'aider à appliquer des stratégies de promotion sanitaire visant à relever les niveaux de santé, prévenir le VIH/SIDA et les MST et à lutter contre les discriminations qu'ils entraînent à travers des programmes "Ecoles-santé". S'appuyant sur les recommandations de la Charte d'Ottawa pour la promotion de la santé. Il vise à aider les individus et les groupes à opter pour une nouvelle approche de la santé publique qui crée des conditions de santé durables et l'établissement d'un mode de vie sain.

  13. Listen, learn, live : 1999 World AIDS campaign with children and young people

    This resource package contains four brochures dealing with: 1) key issues and ideas for action; 2) children and HIV; 3) young people and HIV; and 4) facts and figures. The package (a 1999 World AIDS campaign document) focuses on communication with children and young people, raising awareness about the need to listen to children and young people and strengthening AIDS programmes for children and young people.

  14. WHO/UNESCO pilot projects on school-based AIDS education: a summary

    This document is a synopsis of information available on pilot projects initiated jointly by WHO and UNESCO. The document provides a justification and the rationale for education on AIDS at school. It looks at the formulation and design of projects. It presents project objectives, site selection, project preparation and evaluation. The document also contains briefs on projects carried out in Ethiopia, Jamaica, Mauritius and the Pacific Islands, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Venezuela.

  15. AIDS prevention through health promotion. Broadcasters' questions and answers on AIDS

    "Broadcasters questions and answers on AIDS" provides basic information on AIDS and its prevention. It is intended for radio broadcasters and national AIDS programme managers for prevention activities through the media.


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