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This is a handbook developed for teachers in Swaziland and it covers sexuality Education, HIV/AIDS Education and teaching and pre-school, lower primary, upper primary, junior secondary and senior secondary education leves. It also discuss sexuality of babies and children and the various topics and parameters of HIV/AIDS and prevention.The handbook also presents and discuss the cultural, social and economic implications of AIDS in swaziland and its basic facts.
Recent studies in Tanzania show that a large percentage of adolescents have had experiences with drugs or substances like tobacco and alcohol at a low age. At the same time they lack basic knowledge about the effects and dangers of its consumption. This ignorance often puts them at risk. This booklet has been developed in response to this situation. It is meant to provide youths with information on the most crucial facts and guide them in becoming responsible decisionmakers for their own lives. …
This Sourcebook aims to support efforts by countries to strengthen the role of the education sector in the prevention of HIV/AIDS. It was developed in response to numerous requests for a simple forum to help countries share their practical experiences of designing and implementing programs that are targeted at school-age children. The Sourcebook seeks to fulfil this role by providing concise summaries of programs, using a standard format that highlights the main elements of the programs and makes it easier to compare the programs with each other. …
This paper has been prepared as a reference document for the development of a briefing package on skills-based health education. The term ''skills-based health education" has been used to highlight the focus on health issues here, rather than the broader umbrella term of ''life skills-based education". …
This report is intended as a resource to several types of users, from those who require broad overviews of the issues, to planners and programme managers who may need more in depth understanding of specific issues and areas. The scope and detail of the report make it important to access the knowledge required in the most efficient way. The following outline of the report and suggestions may assist in this. A short Executive Summary provides an overview summary of findings and key recommendations and is likely to be useful to all readers. …
This is a District Education Management Information System (DEMIS) Toolkit for Zimbabwe which was prepared by UNESCO Harare in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Culture (Zimbabwe), the National AIDS Council and UNAIDS. It outlines the aims and objectives, phases and functions of DEMIS. It also discusses the DEMIS processes in Zimbabwe, the current system and the data collection process. …
This paper discusses the issue of HIV/AIDS and education in Swaziland and how the relevant ministry is coping with the problem. The statistics of infection and the subsquent effects on the education system are examined and consequently, the implications and neccessities to management of the education sector are discussed.
This article examines briefly possible elements for a course of action on the issue of managing the impact of HIV/AIDS on Education. It asks questions directed at planners from the NGOs, post-school institutions, schools and local programmes as well as government departments at national and local levels and other international agencies.
This report provides the statistics and effects of HIV/AIDS on education in Eastern and Southern Africa. It provides various management policies and strategies for mitigation of this impact on education.
This report presents the results of a school survey whereby 277 principals were interviewed in all secondary schools in Durban Metro and Mtunzini Magisterial Districts in Kwa-Zulu Natal Province, South Africa. This study was intended to shed a better light on adolescent sexual behaviour and thus evaluate the effectiveness of various life skills programmes.
The purpose of this publication is to provide a checklist for the education manager at District Level to raise awareness of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education system. After highlighting certain indicators, the checklist then provides suggested action steps required of the education manager, to best manage the impact on the system.This publication is also an attempt to empower and enable management response at the most direct point of delivery of service within the education system in order to best manage the situation.
This paper describes the monitoring and evaluation strategies suggested for Masiye Camp. It discusses the use of sample indicators and further recommendations in the context of the culture and community aspects and the criteria for te PSS Programmes in the Region for existing and new programmes.
This document uses the ED-SIDA model to measure the impact of HIV/AIDS on the teaching population. The model captures the dynamicsof teacher population in terms of recruitment, retirement, leaving before retirement, HIV infection and death using difference equations based yearly time steps. The paper presents the economic implications of HIV/AIDS for the Zambian ministry of Education and the donors working on BESSIP.
This manual offers a set if teaching support materials developed by the Centre for British Teachers that uses existing subjects within the Kenyan primary school curricula to infuse HIV/AIDS messages.
This report is one of a set of a series of Education Division of the Overseas Development Administration (now DFID). It sets out to describe current policy and practice related to health and HIV/AIDS education in primary and secondary schools in Africa and Asia. It draws on work done in four countries Pakistan, India, Uganda and Ghana.