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Building peace in the minds of men and women

Transforming learning and training environments





"Integrate sustainability principles into education and training settings"
Global Action Programme logo
ESD is about much more than preaching and teaching on sustainable development. It is also about practicing sustainable development. Sustainable learning environments, such as eco-schools or green campuses, allow educators and learners alike to integrate sustainability principles into their daily practice. Transforming learning and training environments concerns not only managing physical facilities more sustainably, but also changing the ethos and governance structure of the whole institution. The second Priority Action Area calls for promoting whole-institution approaches to ESD in schools and all other learning and training settings. 


  • Schools develop a school sustainability plan in partnership with the broader community
  • Universities incorporate sustainability into campus operations, governance, policy and administration
Actions in this Priority Action Area include developing a vision and a plan to implement ESD in the dedicated learning and training environment, in partnership with the broader community. Institutional leaders are prompted to take a holistic view of ESD, focused not only on transferring content about sustainable development, but also on participating in sustainable development practices, including taking actions to reduce the institution’s ecological footprint. Collaboration between the learning and training institution and the host community is important.
Expected outcomes include sustainability plans or strategies implemented by schools and other training institutions, and public and private sector organizations.
Main stakeholders in this Priority Action Area are the leaders and the managers of all types of learning and training institutions such as school principals, directors of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) centres, presidents of universities and community colleges as well as those of private companies. Community leaders, parents, learners and trainees are important partners for these main stakeholders.
  • Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) -   More
  • Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)  -  More
  • Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability (GUPES)  -  More
  • Ibero-American Alliance of University networks for environmental sustainability (ARIUSA) - More
  • International Association of Universities (IAU) - IAU Portalon HESD - More
  • Korean National Commission for UNESCO -  More
  • Manitoba Education and Training, Canada - More
  • Millennium@EDU Sustainable Education -  More
  • rootAbility -   More-
  • Sustainability and Environmental Education (SEEd) -  More
  • Sustainability Literacy Test (SULITEST) (Secretariat; Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI)  - More
  • United Nations Global Compact's Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative -  More
  • UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) - More
  • Argentina
  • Cote d'Ivoire
  • Greece
  • Indonesia
  • Oman
  • UNESCO Chair in Higher Education for Sustainable Development - More
  • Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA)  -  More