NETEWAG, 2015. 22 p.
Network of Teachers and Educational Workers in HIV and AIDS Ghana, NETEWAG
NETEWAG (Network of Teachers and Educational workers in HIV and AIDS, Ghana) envisions a stigma and discrimination free and equal opportunity environment for Teachers and Educational workers living with HIV in Ghana. Teachers play a key custodian role within the education system and are also central to efforts to achieve the Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However like their counterparts in other sub Saharan African countries, teachers in Ghana have not been spared the threat of HIV and AIDS. Those living with HIV have been noted to suffer stigma and discrimination at both the community and workplace level. They also have challenges with access to prevention programmes, treatment, care and support, as well as building effective links with Unions in Education and Networks of other HIV positive support groups in the country. This Strategic Plan seeks to guide NETEWAG to formalise, achieve and monitor its strategic objectives over the next five years. It has been developed in consultation with members of NETEWAG and key stakeholders such as Partnership for Child Development (PCD) , Ministry of Education, Ghana Education Service, Ghana AIDS Commission, Ghana Health Service, Unions in Education (GNAT, NAGRAT and TEWU), the UN system {led by UNAIDS, UNESCO and ILO} and NAP+. Its key objective is to bring about effective structures and systems to assure among others sustainable fund mobilization, thriving membership drive and an effective advocacy and communication programme. The plan, on the basis of the Situational and SWOT analysis undertaken, identifies four strategic areas that needs to be pursued in furtherance of the vision and mission of NETEWAG. These are: 1. Institutional, Leadership and Management Capacity Development; 2. Advocacy and Program Development; 3. Financial Sustainability; 4. Membership Development and Network Visibility. With these strategic actions proposed over the next five years, NETEWAG could have a significant impact on the educational sector in terms of helping to reduce stigma, discrimination and its effects to the barest minimum. The strategic actions will aim at four key areas; (a) To establish and strengthen institutional and management capacity of NETEWAG for organizational effectiveness, (b) To establish and operationalize clearly defined advocacy and program intervention strategies, (c) To secure a diverse and sustainable financial base for increased income, (d) To ensure NETEWAG is known and has full and committed participation from all teachers and educational workers living with HIV in Ghana.
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