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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Sexual and reproductive health needs and access to services for vulnerable groups in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    This report aims to understand sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs and related policies for three selected vulnerable groups - Roma (men and women), internally displaced people (IDPs) and adolescents - in eight Eastern European and Central Asian countries. The purpose of the study is to contribute to a policy dialogue on focusing national programs on the SRH needs of vulnerable groups.

  2. School-based primary school sexuality education for migrant children in Beijing, China

    In May 2007, Beijing Normal University launched a programme of school-based sexuality education for migrant children in Xingzhi Primary School in Beijing. Over the past seven years, the project team has developed a school-based sexuality education curriculum using the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education published by UNESCO. The team has developed 12 volumes of textbooks for grades 1–6; trained teachers to deliver sexuality education using participatory teaching methods; and involved parents in the sexuality education process. …

  3. The Nepal HIV Investment Plan 2014-2016

    The investment plan for Nepal 2014-2016 emphasises the importance of focusing on Key Affected Populations (KAP), then goes one step further to disaggregate relevant KAP into sub-populations, guided by infection risk dynamics and context. The first priorities identified for prevention are: female sex workers who inject drugs on a regular basis (FSW WID); other people who inject drugs; street-based female sex workers ( FSW); transgender sex workers (TG SW) and male sex workers (MSW). …

  4. Mujeres y vulnerabilidades ente el VIH/SIDA en la Región de Arica y Parinacota: Diálogos participativos 2011

    Este documento presenta los resultados de los diálogos participativos realizados en la ciudad de Arica entre octubre y noviembre del 2011. En éstos participaron cerca de 80 mujeres. Se convocó a mujeres de origen aymara; mujeres afrodescendientes; mujeres privadas de libertad; mujeres migrantes, refugiadas y solicitantes de la condición de refugio; mujeres adultas, jóvenes y adultas mayores. …

  5. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs in humanitarian settings: an in-depth look at family planning services

    This report summarizes findings and recommendations of a year-long exercise undertaken by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Save the Children - in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to map existing adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs and document good practices. The work was accomplished through a practitioner survey and humanitarian funding analyses; key informant interviews; and collection of good practice case studies.

  6. Sexual orientation and gender identity and the protection of forced migrants

    Around the world, people face abuse, arbitrary arrest, extortion, violence, severe discrimination and lack of official protection because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. This latest issue of FMR includes 26 articles on the abuse of rights of forced migrants who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex. Authors discuss both the challenges faced and examples of good practice in securing protection for LGBTI forced migrants.

  7. Never tested for HIV in Latin-American migrants and Spaniards: prevalence and percieved barriers

    Increasing the uptake of HIV testing and decreasing the number of undiagnosed people is a priority for HIV prevention. Understanding the barriers that hinder people from testing is vital, particularly when working with especially vulnerable populations like migrants. Barriers to HIV testing in Latin-American migrants living in Europe remain unexplored. Still, they account for a quarter of new diagnosis in Spain and suffer higher rates of delayed diagnosis. Between May 2008 and March 2011, a mobile unit offered free rapid HIV tests in different Spanish cities. …

  8. Strengthening national responses to HIV and adolescents in emergency situations: lessons learned from Côte d'Ivoire and Haiti

    many years, and a growing number of organizations are including a focus on young people, HIV/ASRH and humanitarian settings into their work. Despite this, however, there is on‐going concern that young people in general, and adolescents in particular (10-19 years) do not receive sufficient ttention in humanitarian settings, and that this has both important immediate implications for their health during the emergencies, and also much longer-term implications for them, their families and their communities. This report aims to respond to these concerns. …

  9. The road to safety. Strengthening protection for LGBTI refugees in Uganda and Kenya

    In this report, Human Rights First has provided a comprehensive road map of practical steps that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the U.S. government, host states, and other key actors should take to protect LGBTI refugees from violence and provide them with equal access to protection and effective durable solutions. This road map will be particularly useful as UNHCR, U.S. agencies, and other actors take steps to implement commitments to address the gaps in protection facing vulnerable LGBTI refugees. …

  10. Realising sexual and reproductive health rights in Kenya: a myth or reality? A report of the Public Inquiry into Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Kenya

    This report presents the findings of the Public Inquiry into violations of sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) in Kenya. The Inquiry was undertaken in fulfilment of one of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights’ (KNCHR) primary mandates- to conduct investigations into any complaint on the violation of human rights in the country. The Inquiry was undertaken by the KNCHR following a complaint filed by two non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working on reproductive health issues in Kenya. …

  11. Talk about AIDS

    This booklet provides statements on specific topics to facilitate discussion among stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific on issues affecting key populations vulnerable to HIV infection. These are: 1. Injecting drug users; 2. Sex workers and their clients; 3. Men who have sex with men; 4. Young people and children; 5. Mobile populations; 6. People living with HIV; 7. Children orphaned and affected by AIDS; 8. Women.

  12. Mobility, migration and HIV vulnerability of populations along the ports of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: Situation and response analysis

    The relationship between HIV and mobility is widely recognized. While mobility and migration are not risk factors for HIV by themselves, the often harsh, unsafe and isolated conditions surrounding the mobility process can give rise to behaviours strongly associated with increased vulnerability to HIV, while also posing barriers to access to HIV prevention, treatment and care. …

  13. Integrated biological and behavioural surveillance survey among migrant female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya

    Kenya is currently experiencing both a generalized and a concentrated HIV epidemic. It has a national HIV prevalence of 6.3 per cent and 1.3 million people between the ages of 15 to 64 across the country are living with HIV. According to the Kenya National AIDS Control Council (NACC), female sex workers (FSW) and their clients account for 14.1% of new infections. The Kenyan national response has recently started targeting research and programming efforts towards key population groups, and specifically FSW. However, migrants have not been targeted as a distinct category. …

  14. Universal Access for Women and Girls: Accelerating Access to HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support for Female Sex Workers and Wives of Migrant Men

    As part of a global initiative to improve women’s access to HIV prevention and treatment services, ICRW implemented a research study to expand the evidence base on access to services for two key populations in India: female sex workers in Pune, Maharashtra and wives of migrant men in Ganjam, Orissa. The main objectives of the research study were to explore barriers to HIV services experienced by the study populations, and based on the findings, to identify entry points for improving HIV services among women in India more broadly.

  15. Impact of school-based HIV prevention program in post-conflict Liberia

    This paper presents findings of a feasibility study to adapt and evaluate the impact of an evidence-based HIV prevention intervention on sexual risk behaviors of in-school 6th grade youth in post-conflict Liberia (n = 812). The study used an attention-matched, group randomized controlled trial. Four matched pairs of elementary/middle schools in Monrovia, Liberia, were randomly assigned to either an adapted eight-module HIV prevention or a general health curriculum. Three- and nine-month impacts of the intervention on sexual risk behaviors and on mediating variables are presented. …


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