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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Creating a caring school: a guide for school management teams with accompanying toolkit

    Creating a Caring School: A Guide for School Management Teams is intended to assist school leadership and management to better understand and address the socio-economic context of schooling and the barriers to education, in particular HIV and AIDS and poverty, that the majority of South Africa's learners face daily. Addressing these barriers is a prerequisite for teaching and learning to take place. …

  2. Creating a caring school: a toolkit for school management teams with accompanying guide

    Creating a Caring School: A Guide for School Management Teams is intended to assist school leadership and management to better understand and address the socio-economic context of schooling and the barriers to education, in particular HIV and AIDS and poverty, that the majority of South Africa's learners face daily. Addressing these barriers is a prerequisite for teaching and learning to take place. …

  3. Where has all the education gone in Africa? Employment outcomes among secondary school and university leavers.

    This report presents the main findings of an international research project that has evaluated the education and employment experiences of secondary school leavers and university graduates in four African countries - Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. The four countries were also selected because they have or have had very high HIV prevalence rates. …

  4. Responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic: 'best practice' issues for educators

    Extract from a paper prepared for the Commonwealth Secretariat, London.This paper discusses the role of the eucation sector in fighting HIV/AIDS and the education responses to HIV/AIDS. Examples of best practice on prevention, social support for learners and educators and protecting educational quality are given.

  5. Quantifying effects of illness and death on education at school level: implications for HIV/AIDS responses

    The purpose of this project was to quantify and understand impacts of HIV/AIDS on education, many of which will be carried by poor households and communities, and provide information to feed into multi-sectoral strategy to mitigate negative impacts. Schools and school communities are critical points of intervention in South Africa.

  6. Quality education and HIV/AIDS

    Quality education and HIV/AIDS

  7. Impact de L'Education VIH/SIDA sur L'Enseignement au Togo

    La présente étude intitulée a pour objet de faire la lumière sur l'impact que l'éducation VIH/SIDA a sur l'enseignement en matière de demande, d'offre, de clientèle, de contenu, de processus de l'éducation, d'organisation et de gestion de l'éducation. L'analyse des perceptions que les élèves et les enseignants ont de leurs propres rôles et de ceux des partenaires conduira à la proposition d'hypothèses en vue de rendre le modèle plus adapté.Le rapport de recherche est structuré en quatre chapitres :Le premier chapitre présente la problématique de la recherche et aborde le contexte de l'étude. …

  8. HIV/AIDS: a threat to educational quality in sub-Saharan Africa. Analytical framework and implications for policy development

    Ce document a été commandé par l'Association pour le Développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA) pour sa biennale (Grand Baie, Maurice, 3-6 décembre 2003). Cette étude entend apporter aux décideurs chargés de l'éducation en Afrique subsaharienne, ainsi qu'à leurs partenaires, un cadre analytique d'appui pour évaluer l'impact du sida sur la qualité de l'éducation. L'intérêt pratique de ce cadre réside dans les orientations qu'il propose pour la fixation des priorités de la politique éducative et l'élaboration de stratégies de planification visant à renforcer les initiatives nationales en direction des objectifs d'éducation pour tous. Les données d'impact du VIH/sida sur l'éducation réunies à ce jour restent encore limitées et trop souvent empiriques. Elles permettent néanmoins de dégager un certain nombre d'implications pour les futures politiques - mais cela ne remplacera pas une recherche plus systématique, indispensable. L'auteur estime que le thème de la qualité de l'éducation parfaitement approprié à l'élaboration de réponses politiques au VIH/sida dans le secteur de l'éducation, dans la mesure où ces réponses doivent être holistiques et diversifiées, afin de tenir compte des facteurs complexes qui interviennent dans la concrétisation d'une éducation de qualité. Les recherches ciblées sur un seul facteur - comme le déploiement des enseignants ou les programmes scolaires - ne suffiront pas à protéger le secteur de l'éducation des atteintes de l'épidémie. Toute tentative de prévention et d'atténuation de l'impact du VIH/sida sur le secteur de l'éducation doit, par essence, être intégrée dans les stratégies de promotion et de protection de la qualité de l'éducation. attainment, attendance

  9. HIV/AIDS Education Strategic Plan 2001-2005

    The Ministry of Education is planning for a Zambia where learners, families, educators, churches and non-governmental organizations collaborate to achieve a society free of AIDS and its stigma where the rights and dignity of all - men, women, children, and those living with AIDS - are respected. As planners for the Education Sector, it is specifically committed to responses to AIDS that result in: Schools that are safe, adequately resourced, and multi-purpose centers of hope, learning, and service in their communities. …

  10. HIV and AIDS in your school. What parents need to know

    This little book is about HIV, AIDS and Education. It has been written by the Department of Education for parents. It has been written to encourage and assist parents to become partners in responding to HIV and AIDS in our schools and communities.The book will answer some basic questions about HIV and AIDS. Most importantly, it will help parents understand how to work together with the school to protect their children against HIV.

  11. Factors affecting teaching and learning in South African Public Schools

    Analysing the extent and severity of HIV/AIDS among educators without looking at the broader context within which schools operate, provides only a partial understanding of the immense challenges facing the education sector in South Africa. This study examines material issues affecting the quality of teaching and learning in our schools, both within and external to the classroom environment. The findings reveal significant disparities in conditions, both within and between provinces. …

  12. Develop an HIV and AIDS plan for your school. A guide for school governing bodies and management teams

    This book has been written as a guide for schools to help them to think about and manage the problems that HIV and AIDS bring. The book can help schools and their communities to use the national policy on HIV and AIDS and education to take local action. The book will encourage everyone - school governing bodies, managers, educators and parents to think, plan and act to protect and strengthen schools against the impact of the epidemic.

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