Washington DC: Futures Group, 2010. 159 p.
Kay, Amy
Vasques, Mari Jo
Datta, Shetal
Wahab, Rita
Said, Eman
Futures Group, Health Policy Initiative, Task Order 1
Investing in PLHIV Leadership in the Middle East and North Africa - Volume 3
The purpose of this Women's Workshop Curriculum is to support a truly sustainable HIV response in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region, centered on positive leadership, women's leadership, prevention, education, and mentorship, as well as gender equity and sensitivity. It is the first curriculum of its kind to be implemented by and for women living with HIV in the MENA Region and thus marks a shift in power from people living with HIV (PLHIV) as beneficiaries, imparters of testimonies, and workshop participants to experts taking a more active role in the response to HIV. It also marks a shift in power to include women more equitably and meaningfully in the HIV response. The authors of the curriculum include women living with HIV in the MENA Region and globally, as well as professionals and supporters who have worked on the HIV response in the region. Global practitioners and more than 50 women living with HIV from 13 countries in the MENA Region have provided inputs to this curriculum. It has been pilot-tested in trainings in Tunisia and sessions in Bahrain, Lebanon, and Yemen. When implemented, the curriculum will help meet the following broad objectives: Women living with HIV and affected by HIV in MENA will have the opportunity to work together and understand and solve issues that are important in their lives; Participants will have strengthened ability to address challenges they face as women living with HIV, parents of HIV-positive children, and partners of HIV-positive people; Women living with HIV in the region will have created a foundation for greater networking and support for themselves and other women like them.
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