Paris: UNESCO, 2010. 72 p.
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Petit guide UNESCO : des caractéristiques essentielles d'une prévention efficace du VIH
Breve guía de la UNESCO: características esenciales de una prevención eficaz del VIH
دليل اليونسكو المختصر للخصائص الأساسية للوقاية الفعالة من فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية
Краткое руководство, разработанное ЮНЕСКО в целях определения основных характеристик эффективной ВИЧ-профилактики
Pequeno guia da UNESCO sobra os aspectos fundamentais da prevenção effectiva do VIH e SIDA
Sambo, Claudia
Dickinson, Clare
Sass, Justine
This booklet aims to increase understanding of the characteristics of efficient and effective HIV and AIDS responses. It is designed to explain in a user-friendly and accessible format what these characteristics mean in practice, and how they can be applied, integrated and institutionalised into HIV and AIDS planning and programme processes. It targets programme implementers and project managers developing and implementing activities (largely in the area of HIV prevention) within UNESCO. However, it will also be useful to other stakeholders undertaking similar work, including technical staff, programme implementers and managers in ministries involved in the AIDS response, UN and other development partners, and civil society. As a quick reference guide, users can find out about the key characteristics of a specific approach, check on definitions, or identify tools to help put the approach into practice. It can help you, for example, to: - Consider the key questions to ask to ensure that human rights principles or gender equality issues are addressed in the project cycle; - Identify the entry points for involving different stakeholders, from programme design to monitoring and evaluation; - Tailor communication efforts to different audiences. The booklet is not a substitute for the vast amount of existing literature in these areas. Instead it guides users through the literature via web links and additional reference material for further exploration.
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