Pretoria: South African National AIDS Council, 2017. 110 p. + 31 p.
South African National AIDS Council, SANAC
At the heart of this NSP is the strategy to “focus for impact”. Eight goals are set: (1) Accelerate prevention to reduce new HIV and TB infections and STIs. (2) Reduce morbidity and mortality by providing HIV, TB and STI treatment, care and adherence support for all. (3) Reach all key and vulnerable populations with customised and targeted interventions. (4) Address the social and structural drivers of HIV, TB and STIs, and link these efforts to the NDP. (5) Ground the response to HIV, TB and STIs in human rights principles and approaches. (6) Promote leadership and shared accountability for a sustainable response to HIV, TB and STIs. (7) Mobilise resources to support the achievement of NSP goals and ensure a sustainable response. (8) Strengthen strategic information to drive progress towards achievement of the NSP goals. This NSP aims to achieve its ambitious targets by: -Intensifying the focus on geographic areas and populations most severely affected by the epidemics. -Using a combination of interventions that have proved to deliver high impact. -Strengthening systems and initiating processes to provide the foundation necessary for higher performance. A strong focus of this NSP is improving the prevention of HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women because of the extremely high rate of infection in this section of the population.
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