Kampala: Uganda AIDS Commission, 2011. 70 p.
Uganda AIDS Commission
The overall goal of the strategy is to reduce the HIV incidence by at least 30 percent based on 2009 baseline. This will result into 40 percent reduction of the projected number of new HIV infections by 2015, in line with the HIV prevention targets in the National Development Plan and avert about 180,000 new infections over five years. Virtual elimination of vertical transmission of HIV is an integral part of this overall goal. The strategy has five objectives: 1. To increase adoption of safer sexual behaviours and reduce risk taking behaviours. 2. To expand to critical coverage and utilization of biomedical prevention interventions. 3. To create a sustainable enabling environment that mitigates underlying socio-cultural and other structural drivers of the epidemic. 4. To achieve a more coordinated HIV prevention response. 5. To strengthen information systems for HIV prevention at all levels.
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