2015. 63 p.
Sierra Leone. National AIDS Secretariat
This M&E plan has been developed as a companion document to the Sierra Leone HIV response NSP for 2016-2020. The goal of this M&E Plan is to contribute to realization of the NSP 2016-2020 objectives and targets, through providing an efficient mechanism to track and demonstrate the achievement. This M&E plan is structured in 5 main components. They are: 1. The M&E Plan – including the structure of the M&E system, data management and storage, data flow and transmission, and data quality assurance; 2. Research studies and evaluation learning; 3. Information products, dissemination and utilization; 4. Implementation of M&E Plan – including roles and responsibilities, key partnerships, M&E communication and advocacy, and technical assistance needs; 5. Performance framework for the M&E process.
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