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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Young persons with disabilities: Global study on ending gender-based violence, and realising sexual and reproductive health and rights

    Around the world, more than 1 billion women and men and boys and girls are living with some form of disability. Although most people will experience disability at some point in their lives, understanding the meaning of disability and its impact on the ability of each individual to be active participants in social, economic, sociocultural, and political life remains a challenge. …

  2. Women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in Europe

    Despite considerable progress, women in Europe continue to face widespread denials and infringements of their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Laws, policies and practices still curtail and undermine women’s sexual and reproductive health, autonomy, dignity, and decision-making and pervasive gender inequality continues to have profound effects on their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Moreover, in recent years, resurgent threats to these rights have emerged jeopardising longstanding commitments to gender equality and women’s rights. …

  3. Rapport relatif à l'éducation à la sexualité. Répondre aux attentes des jeunes, construire une société d'égalité femmes-hommes

    Faisant le constat que l'adolescence est un moment révélateur des inégalités filles-garçons et des discriminations homophobes, le Haut conseil à l'égalité (HCE) considère urgent de généraliser l'éducation à la sexualité, partie prenante de la construction des jeunes en tant que citoyen.ne responsable. L'Ecole a une obligation légale en matière d'éducation à la sexualité, mais elle ne peut pas tout toute seule, estime le HCE. …

  4. Education data brief: Global prevalence of school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV)

    This Education Data Brief provides an overview of the global prevalence of School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV), using recent data to illustrate the scope and scale of SRGBV worldwide. In addition, the Data Brief provides country-level statistics when available, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. The Data Brief is divided into two primary sections: the Prevalence of SRGBV and the Impact of SRGBV. …

  5. Women and HIV. A spotlight on adolescent girls and young women

    Gender discrimination and gender-based violence fuel the HIV epidemic. Gender norms in many cultures combined with taboos about sexuality have a huge impact on the ability of adolescent girls and young women to protect their health and prevent HIV, seek health services and make their own informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and lives.

  6. National HIV/AIDS stigma reduction strategy: Stigma and discrimination reduction in the national HIV/AIDS response

    The Nigerian HIV prevalence rate is declining however, stigma indices does not show corresponding decline. Drivers of the HIV epidemic include the structural, contextual and social factors, such as poverty, gender inequality, inequity and poor access to health care, as well as stigma and discrimination and other human rights violations. However, several positive actions have been taken to address stigma and discrimination issues in the country. …

  7. Safe at school: education sector responses to violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or sex characteristics in Europe

    All children have the right to safe and quality education, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or sex characteristics.

  8. Integration of the UNESCO modules on diversity and gender classroom activities in basic schools in Ghana

    This document is a report of a training workshop for School Health Education Programme (SHEP) coordinators at national, regional district and school levels and selected head teachers of basic schools. The purpose of the workshop was to provide participants with the skills, background and knowledge to build respect, tolerance and critical thinking among learners. In addition, the objective was to provide practical examples of how they can integrate diversity, anti-discrimination and gender equality activities into lesson planning and delivery.

  9. Young persons with disabilities: global study on ending gender-based violence, and realising sexual and reproductive health and rights

    This study contains new qualitative, global research and provides an analysis on the situation of young persons with disabilities concerning discrimination and gender-based violence, including the impact on their sexual and reproductive health and rights. It also provides an assessment of legal, policy and programming developments and specific good practices in service delivery as well as best-standard prevention and protection measures. …

  10. School violence and bullying: global status and trends, drivers and consequences

    Violence in and around schools, including bullying, physical attacks and physical fights, undermines learning and has negative physical and mental health consequences. No country can achieve inclusive and equitable quality education if learners experience violence in school.

  11. Zimbabwe school health policy

    The Zimbabwe School Health Policy (ZSHP) provides a broad frame of reference to guide the implementation of a number of health related issues relating to the welfare of learners in the school system, such as health and nutrition,education services, water, sanitation and hygiene, needs of learners with disabilities, mental health, sexual and reproductive health concerns, and the care and support provisions as well as guidance and counseling needs of all learners.

  12. Coeducar en el amor y la sexualidad y otros proyectos. Iniciativas de organismos de igualdad y administraciones educativas

    Intercambia es una idea hecha realidad que surge del trabajo conjunto del Instituto de la Mujer, Organismo Autónomo del Ministerio de Igualdad y del Instituto de Formación del Profesorado, Investigación e Innovación Educativa del Ministerio de Educación con el fin de facilitar el intercambio entre los distintos Organismos de Igualdad y las Administraciones Educativas de las Comunidades Autónomas en el ámbito de la coeducación. …

  13. Protocolos contra el acoso sexual en educacion superior: sugerencias para su elaboración

    El acoso sexual es una forma de violencia de género que sólo de manera reciente ha comenzado a visibilizarse en las instituciones de educación superior chilenas. La falta de herramientas normativas para abordar cabalmente el problema y el constante interés público plantean la necesidad de que, en su autonomía, las instituciones tomen medidas para la prevención, atención a las víctimas y desarrollo de acciones para su completa erradicación. …

  14. Loi N° 1/13 du 22 septembre 2016 portant prévention, protection des victimes et répression des violences basées sur le genre

    Par cette loi, le gouvernement est chargé de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires de sensibilisation pour modifier les schémas et modèles de comportement socioculturel de l'homme et de la femme, en vue de parvenir à l'élimination des pratiques coutumières ou de tout autre type qui sont fondés sur l'idée de l'infériorité ou de la supériorité de l'un ou de l'autre sexe ou d'un rôle stéréotypé de l'homme ou de la femme.

  15. Stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle. Agenda 2017 - 2030

    La stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle couvre les champs suivants : l’accès aux droits humains (2), le respect des genres et des sexualités ; la promotion de la santé sexuelle par l’information, l’éducation, la communication et la formation à une santé sexuelle ; l’information sur les dysfonctionnements et les troubles sexuels, leur prévention, dépistage et prise en charge ; la prévention par la vaccination VHB et HPV, le dépistage et la prise en charge des IST dont le VIH et les hépatites virales ; la promotion de la santé reproductive (prévention de l’infertilité liée aux causes infecti …


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