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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Policy guidelines on the implementation of the comprehensive sexuality education

    DepEd is committed to provide and protect the rights of Filipino learners to good education and improved health and to help Filipino learners complete basic education without the burden of health concerns. It also recognizes the roles and responsibilities of the school system to give learners their right to good health by leading the implementation of the comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).

  2. Relationships and sexuality education in schools: guidance

    Guidance on how schools should develop their sex education policy, plan and deliver their relationships and sexuality education provision and work in partnership with others.

  3. Keeping children safe in education: statutory guidance for schools and colleges

    This is statutory guidance from the Department for Education issued under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002, the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014, and the Non-Maintained Special Schools (England) Regulations 2015. Schools and colleges in England must have regard to it when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

  4. Stratégie Nationale de l’eau, de l’assainissement et de l’hygiène en milieu scolaire (2018-2030)

    Au Tchad, les services sociaux de base sont faibles avec une disparité croissante entre les zones urbaines et rurales. Les plus récentes estimations de l’OMS et de l’UNICEF font état de 78% d’accès à l’eau potable pour le milieu urbain contre 32%, ce qui représente moins de la moitié en milieu rural. L’accès aux services d’assainissement est très limité avec seulement 3% de la population en milieu rural avec un accès à un assainissement de base et 82% qui pratique la défécation à l’air libre. Au niveau national, il s’agit de 68% de la population soit environ 9.5 millions.

  5. Canadian guidelines for sexual health education

    The Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education provide guidance to educators and policy makers for the development and evaluation of comprehensive evidence-based sexual health education in Canada. …

  6. Bullying prevention and response in New Zealand schools

    Bullying is a serious issue in New Zealand schools. The most recent available international comparative studies from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) make clear that we have one of the highest rates of bullying among Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries. Experiencing bullying has a negative impact on student wellbeing and achievement at school and beyond. …

  7. National programme on HIV and other STIs 2011-2017

    The Swiss National Programme on HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections 2011–2017 (known as NPHS for short) sets out to improve the sexual health of the Swiss population. Its legal basis is the Swiss Epidemics Act, and the programme is pitched at efforts against disease. The NPHS is a national strategy for the prevention and also the diagnosis and treatment of HIV and other STI (sexually transmitted infections), including chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhoea, hepatitis, human papilloma virus, lymphogranuloma venerum and herpes. The programme has four main goals: 1. …

  8. South Sudan reproductive health strategic plan 2013-16

    Policy Goal: To reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and improve the reproductive health status of the people of South Sudan through the provision of a universally accessible, quality, integrated, equitable and sustainable comprehensive reproductive health care package. Policy Objectives: 1. To build the capacity at all levels of MOH and partners, in order to deliver quality comprehensive reproductive health services. 2. To establish an equitable resource allocation framework for the RH subsector at all levels. 3. …

  9. National reproductive health policy: Present and future prosperity through safe motherhood and healthy childhood

    The Ministry of Health has developed this National Reproductive Health Policy to provide the appropriate framework and guidance for the promotion and implementation of reproductive health programmes and interventions in the country. The ultimate aim of this policy is to provide an effective national platform for strengthening reproductive health interventions in South Sudan and facilitating the achievement of relevant global, regional and national goals in the interest of improved health, well-being and overall quality of lives of all peoples in the country. …

  10. Reproductive health national strategy and action plan 2010-2015

    The strategy presented in this document is intended for a broad audience of governmental actors, professional associations, institutions, non-governmental organizations, donors and other stakeholders within reproductive health. As a strategy it has been designed to be as clear and brief as possible. It does not provide an exhaustive list of reproductive health issues faced by the Somali people, but seeks to identify key priority areas (i.e. …

  11. National sexual reproductive policy

    This document represents the first National Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy. The goal of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy is to find appropriate solution to the current fragmentation of reproductive health activities and improve the limited impact of existing programs in reducing sexual and reproductive ill health while improving reproductive health and well-being for the PNG population. …

  12. Nationaal Actieplan. Soa, hiv en seksuele gezondheid 2017-2022

    Het Nationale Actieplan soa, hiv en seksuele gezondheid presenteert voor de komende vijf jaar een integrale aanpak waarin een positieve benadering van seksualiteit centraal staat. Uitgangspunt van seksuele gezondheid is dat inwoners van Nederland goed geïnformeerd zijn om hierover verstandige keuzes te maken. Behalve goede preventieve maatregelen moeten zij bij problemen toegang hebben tot laagdrempelige en betaalbare zorg. // The National Action Plan on STIs, HIV and Sexual Health presents an integral approach for the coming five years that is centred around a positive approach to sexuality. …

  13. National HIV Strategic Plan 2016-21. Nepal HiVision 2020: Fast-tracking ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat, by 2030

    This National HIV Strategic Plan is an expression of Nepal’s community engagement and community-led responses to tackle specific challenges in Fast-Tracking: engagement in advocacy and accountability for strategic investments; reaching and advocating for human rights of key populations; understanding social, cultural and other issues relevant to health and well-being; adherence support; demand creation; services delivery in the prevention-treatment continuum through community organizations and in-reach workers; navigators in health and other social services; and collaboration in relevant publ …

  14. Programme national promotion de la santé affective et sexuelle

    Dans le cadre du « Programme national - Promotion de la Santé Affective et Sexuelle » au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, le présent plan d’action national pluriannuel (PAN - SAS), fait suite au plan d’action 2013-2016, prolongé jusqu’en 2018 en accord avec tous les ministères concernés.

  15. Integrated Strategy for HIV, Hepatitis B and C and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections

    The Strategy aims to sustainably contain HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, HPV and other sexually transmitted infections. This can improve the overall health of the population by preventing serious related diseases such as AIDS, cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. Undesired childlessness and miscarriages are averted and diseases among newborns prevented. In addition to positive individual and societal effects, preventing infections, as well as early diagnoses, might contribute to a reduction in healthcare expenditure. …


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