CARICOM, 2010. 47 p.
Cenac, Veronica
Pan-Caribbean Partnership on HIV/AIDS, PANCAP
The levels of stigma and discrimination are still relatively high in the Caribbean. Stigma and discrimination against those infected with and affected by HIV are widespread and are recognised as a major barrier to accessing prevention, testing and treatment. The assessments of laws and policies related to HIV and AIDS conducted by PANCAP in CARICOM Member States including Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname (some conducted independently by countries) revealed that the existing legislative framework in the Caribbean encourages stigma and discrimination against PLHIV and other vulnerable groups, largely through omission of protective provisions (for example there is no legislation against discrimination on the basis of HIV status or health status) and the criminalization of certain behaviours.
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