Organized by the UNESCO Chair in Culture, Tourism and Development of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, with the support of the France-UNESCO Agreement and ICOMOS France, this first workshop will take place on 27 May 2010 from 9:30 am until 5:30 pm at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. This first edition will open a cycle of annual meetings on the different connections between the World Heritage List and tourism.

The main theme of this first meeting will be the various implications of the inscription of urban sites on the World Heritage List, as regards tourism. The main questions which are going to be broached will be:

  • In which ways does the inscription determine the positioning, strategies and touristic projects of those sites?
  • What are the consequences on the quality, quantity, and practices of tourists and local visitors?
  • Does the inscription influence the other touristic, cultural and heritage projects of those cities (urban planning and transports, amendment)?
  • Does the inscription on the World Heritage List induce media coverage encouraging tourism?
  • In a more global way, how do cities enhance their inscription on the World Heritage List?
  • How are the areas managed and how do they evolve?

At a time when several urban sites are creating their management plans, these questions are particularly relevant.

The workshop will be organized with the support of several urban sites inscribed on the World Heritage List. The cities of Arles, Avignon, Bordeaux, Chartres, Le Havre, Lyons, Nancy, Provins and Strasbourg in particular have accepted to share their experience. Moments of exchange scheduled throughout the day will allow discussions and debate with the audience.

For more information, please contact:

Maria Gravari-Barbas
Director of the UNESCO Chair in Culture, Tourism and Development, IREST   
6 rue Jean Calvin, 75005 Paris  
Telephone : +33 (1) 58 10 22 30