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  1. 3 часа назад

    Discrimination. Exclusion. Persecution. These words often describe the existence of stateless minorities.

  2. 10 часов назад
  3. 13 часов назад

    Joseph Icon suppose to have a show today at FUOYE MUST LAFF CONCERT But he has been killed by the Nigeria police We want justice Justice must prevail

  4. 14 часов назад

    India has created mini Gulags for Kashmiris to incarcerate them in harsh conditions without any recourse to law . ,

  5. 15 часов назад

    behaviour is both honorable and dignified. When you harass someone, you not only disrespect them, but yourself also. Street harassment, sexual harassment, gender-based violence and racism, are all acts committed by a person who in fact has no self respect

  6. 12 сент.

    . has donated $20K to support our Office’s work.

  7. 10 сент.

    Human rights are for everyone - no exceptions! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

  8. 8 сент.
    В ответ

    Your welcome we're doing this together, and we always will, right ? 😊💜💫

  9. 8 сент.
  10. 8 сент.

    Is HK still a livable city? City in tear gas and police brutality.

  11. 8 сент.

    Hongkongers call for the Pass of Human Rights & Democracy Act of 2019 peacefully today!

  12. 8 сент.

    This is our Statue of Liberty 🗽 Hong Kong edition.

  13. 8 сент.
  14. 8 сент.

    Please support hong kong human rights and democracy act 🥺

  15. 8 сент.

    On Intl Literacy Day, we encourage States to use the mother language in teaching and learning. It's the best way to ensure that children are able to enjoy their human right to a quality education, and to achieve their full potential.

  16. 7 сент.
  17. 7 сент.

    The Human Rights Council reviews the human rights records of all 193 UN member countries – the only process of this kind in existence. How does it work❓ 🏼 Watch this quick guide 📺:

  18. 6 сент.

    We are all born FREE & EQUAL - people included! RT to spread the word!

  19. 6 сент.

    All those who raise voice and stand up for human rights are very good people who can make a peaceful world with their good efforts

  20. 4 сент.

    terminology is much easier than you think! RT and let us know which terms you wish we would explain 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

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