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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. National HIV/AIDS stigma reduction strategy: Stigma and discrimination reduction in the national HIV/AIDS response

    The Nigerian HIV prevalence rate is declining however, stigma indices does not show corresponding decline. Drivers of the HIV epidemic include the structural, contextual and social factors, such as poverty, gender inequality, inequity and poor access to health care, as well as stigma and discrimination and other human rights violations. However, several positive actions have been taken to address stigma and discrimination issues in the country. …

  2. Communication strategy: on the impact of HIV and AIDS on the prospects of attainment of other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Zambia, 2010-2015

    HIV/AIDS is universally recognized as a threat to development worldwide.Through consultations with stakeholders, NAC undertook to develop a communication strategy as part of national HIV/AIDS advocacy strategy to increase awareness about the evidence-informed linkage between MDG 6 and all other MDGs. The purpose of the Communication strategy is to build up the knowledge of the population regarding the linkages between HIV/AIDS and the MDGs. The strategy draws on the lessons from the twin and parallel work on documenting that linkage from 1990 to 2008.

  3. Code of good practice on key aspects of HIV/AIDS and employment. Department of Labour, Employment Equity Act, Act No. 55 of 1998

    The Code’s primary objective is to set out guidelines for employers and trade unions to implement so as to ensure individuals with HIV infection are not unfairly discriminated against in the workplace. This includes provisions regarding: creating a non-discriminatory work environment; dealing with HIV testing, confidentiality and disclosure; providing equitable employee benefits; dealing with dismissals; and managing grievance procedures.

  4. Bilan des réalisations du plan d'action national de lutte contre le SIDA 2011

    Le plan stratégique de lutte contre le SIDA 2007 – 2011 s’exécute à travers des projets diversifiés même si les gaps de financements persistent. …

  5. National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011-2016

    The National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011 - 2016 is a national guiding document and a road map for the next five year, for all sectors, institutions and partners involved in the response to HIV and AIDS in Nepal to meet the national goal; to achieve univeral access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support with two major programmatic objectives (i) reduce new HIV prevention by 50% and (ii) reduce HIV related dealths by 25%, by 2016.

  6. Policy on the development and implementation of a national life skills curriculum for personal development and employment enhancement. A Green Paper

    This National Policy on the Development and Implementation of a National Life Skills Curriculum for Personal Development and Employment Enhancement sets guidelines for Life Skills development in keeping with Trinidad and Tobago's national strategic plan. In pursuit of the national strategic priorities aimed at "nurturing a caring society" and "developing innovative people" this policy seeks to impact major social issues facing the country, such as poverty, illiteracy, HIV/AIDS, unemployment and crime. …

  7. Mongolian National Strategic Plan on HIV, AIDS and STIs 2010-2015

    The Mongolian National Strategic Plan on HIV, AIDS and STIs 2010-2015 (NSP) constitutes a comprehensive national strategic plan to address the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) till the year of 2015. This plan provides strategic direction and guidance for the national response, including a way forward on coordinating activities, mobilizing resources and sustaining positive impacts in the long term. …

  8. Mujeres Seropositivas, Pobreza y Desigualdad de Género

    Documento de ICW sobre la situación de desmedro en la que se encuentran las mujeres viviendo con VIH/sida en contextos de pobreza. Sugerencias de ICW para enfrentar esta situación, y acciones realizadas por esta organización.

  9. Plan stratégique national de lutte contre les IST/VIH/SIDA 2008-2012 [Union des Comores]

    Malgré la faible prévalence VIH des Comores, les autorités nationales placent le SIDA au premier rang des préoccupations du Gouvernement. Le présent document est le fruit d'un travail collectif mené dans le pays, pour constituer la base de références pendant cinq ans des stratégies à mettre en oeuvre par le PNLS (Programme National de Lutte contre le Sida) de manière multisectorielle sur les trois îles, afin de préserver la nation d'une progression de l'épidémie VIH/SIDA, en le maintenant dans la catégorie des pays à faible prévalence. …

  10. National gender policy plan on HIV and AIDS 2006-2010

    Papua New Guinea's National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006-2010 (NSP) recognised that gender is a key factor shaping both the epidemic and the national response to it. To ensure that the gender dimensions of the epidemic receive sufficient attention, the National AIDS Council (NAC) commissioned this National Gender Policy and Plan on HIV and AIDS (NGP). It is based on extensive consultations and research carried out between 2004 and 2006, including a gender audit of the NSP and a gender impact evaluation of the activities of the National HIV/AIDS Support Project (NHASP). …

  11. Strategic plan for the national program in the fight against AIDS 1999 - 2002

    The process for the formulation of this Strategic Plan against STIs/HIV/AIDS for 2000 - 2002 began in July 1998 with a seminar that involved ministerial representatives, NGOs, churches and private and public corporations. Having identified points of contact in the different sectors mentioned above, three other meetings were conducted. This meeting was the last step in this multi-sectorial and multi-disciplinary involvement. …

  12. Framework for the protection, care and support of children affected by HIV/AIDS

    The Regional Strategic Framework for the Protection, Care and Support of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS provides guidance to the eight member states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) on a consistent approach across South Asia to the protection, care and support of children affected by HIV/AIDS. The regional framework promotes a universal approach to ensure children affected by HIV/AIDS have access to the same public and social support systems which are available to other children, rather than being separated or singled out. …

  13. Plano estratégico nacional de combate ao HIV/SIDA (2005-2009). Livro I: Componente estratégica - Análise de Situação. Livro II: Objectivos e Estratégias, Monitorização e Avaliação. Livro III: Operacionalização

    O presente documento, o PNCS II, vem pois responder à necessidade de assegurar a continuidade dos ciclos de planificação. O PNCS II é concebido como um Plano de médio termo e visa cobrir o horizonte temporal 2004 - 2009. Porém algumas das projecções que ele comporta estendem-se pelos próximos 10 anos. …

  14. National orphans and other vulnerable children policy

    This policy provides the framework for responding to the concerns and needs of orphans and other vulnerable children. …

  15. Jamaica HIV/AIDS/STI national strategic plan 2002-2006

    The 2002-2006 National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan is a follow-up to the previous 1997-2001 Medium Term Plan, and takes into account the expanded response to HIV/AIDS in the region as well as the worsening epidemic in Jamaica. It has also recognized that HIV/AIDS is not only a health issue, but also a major developmental problem. The plan is based on the analysis of the national HIV/AIDS situation, risk behaviour and factors contributing to vulnerability to the infection. …


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