Mbabane: Deputy Prime Minister's Office, National Children's Coordination Unit, UNICEF, 2008. 61 p.
Swaziland. Deputy Prime Minister's Office, National Children's Coordination Unit
Final copy
This strategic plan is aimed at ensuring that all children in need of psychosocial support (PSS) in Swaziland are reached. It will further strengthen and standardize the quality of PSS training, service delivery and finally advocate for mainstreaming of PSS in all programmes targeting children in the country. The strategy advocates that all PSS interventions should be grounded in the Swazi culture. The PSS strategy is guided by the following nine thematic areas: early childhood care and education; psychosocial support awarenss raising; psychosocial support mainstreaming; standardization of PSS programming; capacity building for PSS programming; caring for community caregivers; improved coordination for PSS programming; research, monitoring and evaluation; resource mobilization. Under each thematic area the strategy highlights strategic issues that the plan recommends be addressed for the benefit of the children.
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