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Nouvelle adresse de courriel du FIDC : convention2005.ifcd@unesco.org

FIDC I Résultats du dernier cycle

Project ID: 2018-1308
Nom du demandeur :
Pays du demandeur:
Type de demandeur:
Montant demandé:
Pays bénéficiaire(s):
Brésil, Égypte
Non Recommended
Note totale: 23.5

IFCD Submissions details

Project Applications submitted by INGOs do not require the pre-selection of a National Commission.

IFCD Submissions details

Recevabilité | Examen technique

IFCD Eligibility form - p-cambier - 05/31/2018 - 14:44

Statut recevabilité: 
Examen Technique
Le formulaire de demande a été soumis avant la date limite: 
Formulaire de demande soumis en français ou anglais: 
Le montant maximum demandé est inférieur ou égal à $E.U. 100.000: 
La période de mise en œuvre du projet se situe entre 12 et 24 mois: 
Toutes les sections du formulaire ont été complétées: 
Signature du demandeur: 
Le demandeur n'a pas un projet financé par le FIDC en cours: 
Le projet s’inscrit dans les domaines d'intervention du FIDC: 
Pays en développement Parties à la Convention de 2005: 
Document officiel / Statuts (avec traduction anglaise ou française si nécessaire): 

IFCD Submissions details

Évaluation des experts

8 points La proposition de projet répond parfaitement à tous les aspects pertinents du critère considéré. La réponse fournit toutes les informations nécessaires et il n'y a pas d’identification de lacunes.
6-7 points La proposition de projet répond bien au critère, même si certaines améliorations pourraient être apportées. La réponse donne des informations claires sur la totalité ou la quasi-totalité des éléments de preuves nécessaires.
5-4 points La proposition de projet répond largement au critère, mais il y a encore quelques lacunes. La réponse donne des informations pertinentes, mais il reste encore des zones et des éléments d’information à éclaircir.
3-2 points La proposition de projet ne répond pas entièrement au critère ou ne peut pas être jugée correctement en raison d'informations manquantes ou incomplètes. La réponse ne traite pas nécessairement la question posée ou donne très peu d'informations pertinentes.
1 point La proposition de projet aborde à peine le critère. Il y a un manque si évident d'informations pertinentes qu’il est extrêmement difficile de juger si la question posée est traitée.
0 points La proposition de projet ne répond pas au critère ou ne peut pas être évaluée en raison du manque d'informations pertinentes. La réponse ne traite pas la question posée ou ne fournit pas d’informations pertinentes.

Sub-Total Expert 1 : 12

IFCD Expert Evaluation form - f_farhat - 06/28/2018 - 00:16

Résume bref du projet: 
The project offers cultural exchange activities between Brazil and Egypt's contemporary electronic and digital art scene and conduct a series of innovative, creative and collaborative digital art activities (an international new media art residency comprised of 8 new media artists selected from Egypt, the Global South (Latin America & North Africa) a series of capacity-building and knowledge transfer workshops, a new media art exhibition – to promote the new creations and productions born from the residency and workshops and to launch a digital online platform to enhance promotional mechanisms, guarantee greater visibility of artists' activities, goods, services and support South-North future collaborations. The projectis lead by women yet offers its services to both men and women.
1.1 Veuillez décrire comment les objectifs et impacts/ bénéfices à long terme du projet correspondent à, au moins, l’un des objectifs stratégiques du FIDC et ses effets escomptés associés. : 
ER 2.1. Policy, advocacy and promotional mechanisms are in place to improve access to local, national or global markets for cultural goods and services ER 2.2. Networks and initiatives, with a focus on North-South-South cooperation, that support and facilitate the mobility of artists and cultural professionals from the global South. As per outcome 4, the proposal makes the case that it is aligned with outcome 4: E 4.1 and E 4.2. However, I feel that the focus on women is overlooked throughout the project.
1.2 Comment les objectifs de cette proposition répondent-ils aux besoins et priorités actuels du pays/ de la région en termes de politiques culturelles et/ou d’industries culturelles ? : 
Well, yes in the case of digital creative industries. Unclear as per women and digital creative industries. Again, even the background does not outline the principal challenges that face women artists in Egypt.
1.3 Dans quelle mesure les objectifs du projet sont-ils spécifiques et mesurables ?: 
The objectives are very clear, concise and measurable.
1.4 Dans quelle mesure le projet contribue-t-il à la promotion de l’égalité des genres, à l’autonomisation des jeunes, à la coopération Sud-Sud et Nord-Sud-Sud et/ou à la participation de divers groupes sociaux dans le cadre des domaines d’intervention du FIDC ? : 
The project fosters south – south cooperation. I cannot see how the project will contribute to the promotion of gender equality specifically
2.1 Quels éléments démontrent la capacité organisationnelle du demandeur (principales activités de l’institution/organisation) et sa compétence (qualifications et expérience du personnel) à mettre en œuvre le plan de travail et à gérer le budget ?: 
The main applicant is a strong organization and the staff suggested is quite strong and well qualified as well.
2.2 Dans quelle mesure les activités répondent-elles aux questions pertinentes ? Veuillez expliquer comment la méthodologie est appropriée à la réalisation des objectifs ? : 
I find the activities relevant to south south cross-cultural collaboration in the form of an international new media art residency comprised of 8 new media artists selected from Egypt, the Global South (Latin America) and also on the level of capacity building in the digital creative industries. I still miss the focus on women.
2.3 Dans quelle mesure le calendrier est-il réaliste et cohérent avec les activités ?: 
To a large extents
2.4 Les bénéficiaires directs et indirects du projet ont-ils été clairement identifiés ? Dans quelle mesure les activités sont-elles pertinentes pour les bénéficiaires ciblés et répondent-elles à leurs besoins ? : 
Yes they have been clearly identified, I believe that the outputs and activities are relevant to them. The particularity of female artists is altogether not addressed.
3.1 Does the budget provide for adequate resources (salaries, fees, equipment, travel, communication, etc.) necessary for success of the project? If the budget has been overestimated or underestimated, please explain how.: 
Yes it does. The budget seems in line with the proposed activities.
3.2 What proportion of the budget is allocated to project activities versus overhead costs? Does the budget seem adequate and overhead costs estimated in compliance with the limit to a maximum of 30% of the total project budget?: 
Salaries are 36 % of the total budget requested. Overheads is 7.7 %. Total is: 43.7 % of total budget.
3.3 La proposition de projet indique-t-elle des contributions financières supplémentaires au projet, telles que des co-financements et/ou de l’auto-financement ? : 
Less than 5000 $ of total cost. In shape of in kind contribution.
3.4 Quelles sont les actions prévues pour assurer la responsabilité financière (par exemple, l’implication d’un directeur financier) ? : 
The proposal suggests that an accountant will work on set yet this is not reflected in the budget. No mention of audit. An admin and finance officer will oversee the whole financial process.
Score : 
4.1 Les résultats et/ou livrables du projet sont-ils concrets, mesurables et réalistes ? Dans quelle mesure permettront-ils d’atteindre les objectifs du projet?: 
Yes they are. They are likely to achieve the objectives bearing in mind that none of the objectives is women specific.
4.2 Dans quelle mesure les activités principales et le budget sont-ils pertinents et adaptés à la réalisation des résultats et/ou livrables énoncés ?: 
The proposed activities are clear and direct. The budget lines are detailed. Both seem appropriate to achieving the intended outputs.
4.3 Dans quelle mesure est-il prévu que ce projet ait un impact ou des bénéfices à long terme sur les politiques culturelles et/ou les industries culturelles du pays/ de la région ?: 
The project is a collaborative one between brazil and Egypt yet most of the activities of the project will be implemented in Egypt. The projects aim to create a database of existing digital artists. This is really important and stands at the foundation of any expected policy work. The project will also give an opportunity for various non-artistic communities to gain awareness and be engaged allowing for possible future policy change.
4.4 To what extent does the project demonstrate potential for structural change (for example: changes in the policy environment; far-reaching changes in public and professional organizational structures; and changes in the way government and regulatory authorities do business)?: 
The project can raise awareness to the need to develop the DCIs in Egypt which might lead to some policy change (though the security situation in Egypt might not allow for it now).
5.1 To what extent are contractors and partners involved in the implementation of the project’s activities? Has the role of each contractor and/or partner been clearly described?: 
Yes the partners and contractors are clear and their roles are well described.
5.2 Comment le projet se rattache-t-il et/ou complète-t-il le travail déjà en cours dans le pays/la région en termes de politiques et/ou d’industries culturelles ? : 
The project complements other activities implemented by cultural civil society in Egypt. However, there is virtually no dialogue now between civil society and the government in the country.
5.3 Quelles mesures/démarches sont proposées afin d’assurer une réponse aux impacts/bénéfices à long terme du projet?: 
Capacity-building at individual level with artists – in terms of technical know-how as well as mentorship support, advisory support, connection to local art organizations interested in continuing to give them a platform Start to building a community – led by a local established and strong NGO that can continue the work after that Supporting the artists and emerging community by informing and involving a number of strategic local, regional and global partners Starting to build an online platform – as a promotional tool for artists and means for them to gain visibility online and at international level
5.4 Quelles mesures/démarches sont proposées pour le suivi du projet avec ses bénéficiaires après son achèvement ? : 
Creating a whatsapp group and a facebook group where notifications and updates can easily be shared. - Create a longer-term partnership with FabLab New Cairo (or other makerspace) to continue conducting new media workshops supported by them - through the fabrication venue, equipment, supplies, and technical assistance - Making sure that the Cairotronica / DI-Egy teams, D-CAF as well as other art organizations know the works that have been created and the potential of each identified artists (and including the artist's profiles in their own database of artists) to continue offering them new local opportunities and platforms for dissemination
Évaluation globale: 
I really like the project. It is well written and clear and can potentially be a very successful project. However, it lacks a direct focus on women!

Sub-Total Expert 2 : 11.5

IFCD Expert Evaluation form - C_VILLASENOR - 07/03/2018 - 16:55

Résume bref du projet: 
The project is aimed to identify digital artists in Egypt and promote their visibility and S-S & N-S collaboration, develop a one-month art creating residence for 8 digital artists and 8 traditional artists, produce an exhibition of their works, develop 8 new technologies workshops, have general public awareness activities and develop an online platform.
1.1 Veuillez décrire comment les objectifs et impacts/ bénéfices à long terme du projet correspondent à, au moins, l’un des objectifs stratégiques du FIDC et ses effets escomptés associés. : 
Nevertheless, that the applicant includes a description of the project´s impact on the IFCD´s outcomes, but it does entirely addresses the criterion. ER 2.1. Policy, advocacy and promotional mechanisms are in place to improve access to local, national or global markets for cultural goods and services: The applicant will put in place promotional mechanisms to improve visibility of the Egyptian new media art scene and identified digital artists. Mainly a digital online platform. ER 2.2. Networks and initiatives, with a focus on North-South-South cooperation, that support and facilitate the mobility of artists and cultural professionals from the global South: Applicant will build meaningful partnerships and networks with various types of arts organizations; new media arts organizations, festivals which seek to promote this kind of content. Its local partnership with Townhouse gallery (established in Egypt 20 years ago), will enable us to guarantee that the project gains momentum locally/beyond. As an established NGO from the Global South (Brazil) will allow to the Egyptian artists to be properly introduced to the applicant´s Latin-American networks. ER 4.1. Women’s representation as creators and producers of cultural expressions is increased through strengthened professional networks and capacity development: The project´s aim will not be to solely promote women at the expense of men artists, but to truly strike a healthy balance with equal representation, enabling the greatest and richest types of collaboration. ER 4.2. Specific policy measures and /or funding mechanisms are introduced to encourage and improve equitable access to cultural activities, goods and services: The applicant will be locally partnering with two NGOs:Townhouse, Medrar, CIC, Mahotot, D-CAF. The applicant will also be building regional and international partnerships, and working through online platforms, in order that the Egyptian artists showcase and have a new funding opportunities.
1.2 Comment les objectifs de cette proposition répondent-ils aux besoins et priorités actuels du pays/ de la région en termes de politiques culturelles et/ou d’industries culturelles ? : 
The applicant describes the work of two local independent festivals, but does not describe how the project meets specific needs of the country, in terms of cultural or cultural industries policies
1.3 Dans quelle mesure les objectifs du projet sont-ils spécifiques et mesurables ?: 
The project´s objectives are not too specific, so it could be difficult to measure its fulfilment.
1.4 Dans quelle mesure le projet contribue-t-il à la promotion de l’égalité des genres, à l’autonomisation des jeunes, à la coopération Sud-Sud et Nord-Sud-Sud et/ou à la participation de divers groupes sociaux dans le cadre des domaines d’intervention du FIDC ? : 
The applicant describes that the project´s aim will not be to solely promote women at the expense of men artists, but to truly strike a healthy balance with equal representation, enabling the greatest and richest types of collaboration. The project will contribute to build a relationship between artist coming from global South and North, which cannot be considered that is building a S-S or N-S cooperation in term of country´s cultural policy building or implementation.
2.1 Quels éléments démontrent la capacité organisationnelle du demandeur (principales activités de l’institution/organisation) et sa compétence (qualifications et expérience du personnel) à mettre en œuvre le plan de travail et à gérer le budget ?: 
The applicant is a strong and well Latin-America-positioned NGO, and its staff has the competences to implement the project. However, in the project it is not perceived that the Brazilian NGO has already built all the solid relationships that are necessary and will allow to fully develop these strengths in Egypt.
2.2 Dans quelle mesure les activités répondent-elles aux questions pertinentes ? Veuillez expliquer comment la méthodologie est appropriée à la réalisation des objectifs ? : 
The activities address relevant issues and the methodology is appropriate to achieve the objectives. However, it is important to remember that the call for the U40 empowerment program is aimed at supporting women under 40 who are cultural entrepreneurs working in digital creative industries, which is not sufficiently emphasized in the actions or methodology.
2.3 Dans quelle mesure le calendrier est-il réaliste et cohérent avec les activités ?: 
The time-frame is realistic and coherent, however delays in the implementation of the project can be derived from the fact that the spaces where the exhibitions and workshops will be held have not yet been arranged.
2.4 Les bénéficiaires directs et indirects du projet ont-ils été clairement identifiés ? Dans quelle mesure les activités sont-elles pertinentes pour les bénéficiaires ciblés et répondent-elles à leurs besoins ? : 
The direct and indirect beneficiaries are sufficiently identified, and the deliverables address their needs, but only deliverable 1 describe as an output to select four female U40 digital artists.
3.1 Does the budget provide for adequate resources (salaries, fees, equipment, travel, communication, etc.) necessary for success of the project? If the budget has been overestimated or underestimated, please explain how.: 
Its suggested to the NGO give a second look to the following expenditures: Website / Art Platform development and App $4,500 which may be overestimated. Filmography / Photography during some of the workshops for artists, the one month residency and for the final exhibition ……. $ 8,000 which could not be indispensable for the project´s execution.
3.2 What proportion of the budget is allocated to project activities versus overhead costs? Does the budget seem adequate and overhead costs estimated in compliance with the limit to a maximum of 30% of the total project budget?: 
The budget includes a specified overhead amount that represents 8% of the total requested amount for overhead costs, which is in compliance with the maximum of 30%of the total project budget.
3.3 La proposition de projet indique-t-elle des contributions financières supplémentaires au projet, telles que des co-financements et/ou de l’auto-financement ? : 
A total amount of $4,750.00 (4.5%) in self-funding and in-kind, by the NGO.
3.4 Quelles sont les actions prévues pour assurer la responsabilité financière (par exemple, l’implication d’un directeur financier) ? : 
Locally, there will be a dedicated accountant in charge of collecting receipts and sharing weekly reports. The File Headquarters will supervise the entire financial management process and oversee that money is spent according the financial and program plan.
Score : 
4.1 Les résultats et/ou livrables du projet sont-ils concrets, mesurables et réalistes ? Dans quelle mesure permettront-ils d’atteindre les objectifs du projet?: 
The project complies with this point.
4.2 Dans quelle mesure les activités principales et le budget sont-ils pertinents et adaptés à la réalisation des résultats et/ou livrables énoncés ?: 
The project complies with this point.
4.3 Dans quelle mesure est-il prévu que ce projet ait un impact ou des bénéfices à long terme sur les politiques culturelles et/ou les industries culturelles du pays/ de la région ?: 
The project is not expected to have a long-term on country´s cultural industries policies or directly into fostering the opportunities of U40 women, cultural entrepreneurs, working into the digital arts field.
4.4 To what extent does the project demonstrate potential for structural change (for example: changes in the policy environment; far-reaching changes in public and professional organizational structures; and changes in the way government and regulatory authorities do business)?: 
The project does not demonstrate a potential for a structural change in those areas.
5.1 To what extent are contractors and partners involved in the implementation of the project’s activities? Has the role of each contractor and/or partner been clearly described?: 
The role of contractors and partners is properly described. Nevertheless, the relationship with the majority of the identified partners is something that is still going to be built by the applicant.
5.2 Comment le projet se rattache-t-il et/ou complète-t-il le travail déjà en cours dans le pays/la région en termes de politiques et/ou d’industries culturelles ? : 
The applicant describes the work of two local independent festivals but does not describe how the project complements the work that´s already being carried out in the country, in terms of cultural or cultural industries policies.
5.3 Quelles mesures/démarches sont proposées afin d’assurer une réponse aux impacts/bénéfices à long terme du projet?: 
The following steps are described by the applicant: a) Capacity-building at individual level with artists, in terms of technical know-how as well as mentorship support, advisory support, connection to local art organizations interested in continuing to give them a platform b) Begin to build an arts community (artists, NGO´s and audience), c) Lunching an online platform
5.4 Quelles mesures/démarches sont proposées pour le suivi du projet avec ses bénéficiaires après son achèvement ? : 
Post-project, the applicant will take a number of measures and steps with the beneficiaries, which include: - Creating a WhatsApp group and a Facebook group where notifications and updates can easily be shared. The NGO will also continue contacting them directly and individually when we find opportunities that match their profiles - Making sure they have a physical place to go to in Egypt, post-project, where they are always welcome, can seek advice, can have a platform to showcase their work, a space to work on new creations, and a place to network with other creatives working in the digital space. - Create a longer-term partnership with FabLab New Cairo (or other makerspace) to continue conducting new media workshops supported by them. - Making sure that the Cairotronica / DI-Egy teams, D-CAF as well as other art organizations know the works that have been created and the potential of each identified artists (and including the artist's profiles in their own database of artists) to continue offering them new local opportunities and platforms for dissemination
Évaluation globale: 
The project is well designed and has potential to identify and help Egyptian artists to be known and to participate in international networks. However, it is important to remember that the call for the U40 empowerment program is aimed to support women under 40 who are cultural entrepreneurs working in digital creative industries, which is not sufficiently emphasized in the project and into the different point that must be described in the application form. On the other hand, the applicant is a strong and well Latin-America-positioned NGO, and its staff has the competences to implement the project. However, in the project it is not perceived that the Brazilian NGO has already built all the solid relationships that are necessary and will allow to fully develop these strengths in Egypt. Based on that, the project is not recommended for funding by the IFCD/U40 Empowerment program.

IFCD Submissions details


IFCD Recommendation form - - 08/27/2018 - 15:26

Statut de la recommandation: 
Non recommended
Résumé de l'évaluation: 
As a result, your application was considered to be eligible and therefore has been sent for evaluation to the Panel of Experts appointed by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Unfortunately, it was not recommended for funding. For more details, please check experts' evaluation.