2005. 36 p.
Zambia. Ministry of Health, National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council
The mission of the National AIDS Council (NAC) is to coordinate all HIV/AIDS activities in Zambia. Its mission is to provide national leadership for a co-ordinated multisectoral fight against HIV/AIDS. The need for effective communication cuts across all the objectives in the National Intervention Strategic Plan 2002-2005, NAISP. This communication strategy gives guidance to all stakeholders who wish to carry out communication activities in the area of HIV/AIDS. A key problem in the response to HIV/AIDS to date has been the lack of appropriate information available to the public. Whilst informative material exists, there has also been a lot of contradictory material sending wrong messages and confusing the public. This strategy is developed as a guide to implementing partners including NGOs, Governmental departments and agencies, Faith Based Organisations (FBOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and any other institutions implementing HIV/AIDS interventions.
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