2009. 66 p.
Malawi. Government
Malawi National AIDS Commission
The National HIV Prevention Strategy (2009-2013) is a guiding tool for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluating and resource mobilization for HIV prevention interventions. The strategy will provide practical guidance for improving current HIV prevention programming for maximum impact. The goal of the strategy is to reduce new HIV infections in order to further mitigate the burden and impact of HIV and AIDS in Malawi. The National HIV Prevention Strategy focuses on both biomedical and behavioural prevention interventions including HIV testing and counselling, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, STI management, blood and injection safety, safe medical male circumcision, timely initiation of ART, condom programming, advocacy, community mobilisation, life skills education and HIV communications among others. In addition, the strategy addresses structural and cultural factors that increase vulnerability to HIV infection to foster sustainable changes in both individual behaviours and social norms.
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