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This M&E; plan has been developed as a companion document to the Sierra Leone HIV response NSP for 2016-2020. The goal of this M&E; Plan is to contribute to realization of the NSP 2016-2020 objectives and targets, through providing an efficient mechanism to track and demonstrate the achievement. This M&E; plan is structured in 5 main components. They are: 1. The M&E; Plan – including the structure of the M&E; system, data management and storage, data flow and transmission, and data quality assurance; 2. Research studies and evaluation learning; 3. …
The National Strategy for the Response to the HIV Epidemic offers a five-year framework for development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the national response to the HIV epidemic. The general goal of the Strategy is prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections, and the provision of treatment and support for all Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. The main components of the Strategy are: 1. Prevention of HIV infection in especially vulnerable and other vulnerable population groups of particular interest; 2. …
The purpose of this SRHR Needs Assessment was to review progress on Samoa’s ICPD and MDG commitments to achieving universal access to reproductive health (MDG Target 5B), with particular focus on ensuring Samoan citizens’ SRHR are prioritised and maintained through all aspects of service planning and delivery. Areas of focus included access to family planning information and services, and to a range of appropriate commodities to meet the needs of all groups within communities. …
The overall goal of the National Policy on HIV/AIDS is to provide for a framework for leadership and coordination of the National multi-sectoral response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This includes formulation, by all sectors, of appropriate interventions which will be effective in preventing transmission of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, protecting and supporting vulnerable groups, mitigating the social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS. …
The purpose of the St. Lucia National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan (NSP) 2010-2015 is to guide the management and implementation of the national AIDS response, highlighting priorities for the allocation of financial and technical resources. The plan builds upon the NSP 2005-2009. It has been developed based on an assessment of the available evidence about the epidemic, the factors that influence the transmission of HIV in the country, and lessons of past implementation experience. …
This communication strategy intends to provide a practical, concise and helpful instrument for formulating effective HIV and AIDS communication interventions in Pakistan. It is not a manual on Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) or Strategic Communication processes and implementation. …
The assessment, aimed at understanding gender dynamics critical for successful implementation of HIV and AIDS programmes in Nigeria, is to complement the National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2010-2015. Findings will be used to strengthen and consolidate existing HIV and AIDS control efforts at all levels and contribute to the implementation of the NSP and PCRP (President's Comprehensive Response Plan for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria).
The National HIV Strategic Plan for the period 2016-2021 is a set of evidence-informed strategies focused on building one consolidated, unified, rights-based and decentralized HIV programme with services that are integrated in the general health services of the country. It builds on lessons learned from implementation of the National AIDS Strategy 2011-2016, its mid-term review and the Nepal HIV Investment Plan 2014-2016, and it applies recommendations from the AIDS Epidemic Model exercise and other strategic information from studies, surveys and assessments.
This handbook gives a detailed insight into the initiative in Ohangwena, which provides an example which can be expanded and improved upon in Namibia, and in the other 22 ESA countries.
La presente Guía Por una sexualidad libre… está organizada en cuatro temas, a saber: Sexualidad y género. Sexualidad y relaciones afectivo-eróticas. Salud sexual, VIH, sida e ITS. Estigma, discriminación y alternativas para el autocuidado. Tales rubros constituyen la base temática que se desarrolla en los talleres, cada sesión cuenta con objetivos específi cos por tema. …
This document provides content standards and performance indicators for grades 1-8 in following subjects: 1. Personal health and fitness; 2. Emotional and mental health; 3. Substance use, abuse and prevention; 4. Nutrition; 5. Safety and first aid; 6. Prevention and control of diseases. It includes expectation benchmarks and sample performance indicators and names relevant teaching resources.
This 2015-2020 National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV will focus on meeting the 90-90-90 targets through identifying critical program and system gaps and ensuring those gaps are closed within the next five years. The NSP cuts across multiple sectors including health, and creates a common understanding for all HIV and AIDS stakeholders: government, civil society, the private sector, and development partners to work together towards achieving the expected results. …
The current National HIV Prevention Strategy (2015-2020) has adopted a results-based management approach with clear activities leading to outputs and outcomes. Eventually, these directly lead to the desired impacts as outlined in the revised 2015-2020 National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS (NSP). The primary objective of the current NSP is the achievement of the 90-90-90 targets by 2020. This National Prevention Strategy embraces a combination prevention approach for primary and secondary HIV prevention. …
Following the adoption of the NSP (2015-2020), the Government of Malawi through the National AIDS Commission commissioned the revision of the M&E; Plan to accompany the revised NSP. The new M&E; Plan will primarily guide and enable the generation and availability of strategic information for effective management of the national response; the tracking and assessment of both the HIV epidemic as well as the performance towards the attainment of the ambitious 90-90-90 targets, the intermediate strategic outcomes as well as outputs. …
Les objectifs principaux de la présente Stratégie Nationale de Communication se focalisent autour de quatre (4) points: 1. Les autorités politiques, techniques, financières et socioculturelles agissent en faveur de la lutte contre le VIH et le Sida; 2. Les comportements responsables pour réduire la transmission du VIH sont adoptés par la population; 3. La population s’informe et informe sur les modes de transmission du VIH ainsi que sur les comportements à moindre risque à adopter; 4. …