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This a brief summary of the Sub- Regional Colloquium meeting held in Harare in Zimbabwe 2004. The main objectives of this meeting was to share on various aspects affecting the education sector-teachers in particular. Various presentations were made which touched on the global initiative and the need for a coordinated national response; the new role and management of teachers in the face of HIV/AIDS; DEMMIS and other best practices being adopted in the region.
This is a training manual designed for teacher educators in Sub-Saharan Africa. The training manual is a response to the challenge of controlling the spread of HIV and AIDS Sub-Saharan Africa. It contains the basic facts and information needed in the acquisition of knowledge and the development of attitudes, values, skills and practices related to the prevention and control of the HIV and AIDS pandemic. The manual is presented in 8 modules which aim to provide teacher educators with an experience of engaging in a participatory teaching HIV and AIDS Prevention Education. …
This draft report looks at the effects of HIV/AIDS in tertiary institutions in Ghana. The study investigates the manner in which HIV/AIDS has affected personnel, operations and use of resources at selected tertiary institutions in Ghana; how institutions have responded and measures they were taking to control and limit further infection; the developments in teaching, research, publications and advisory services which institutions have initiated because of the infection, and the extent to which institutions propose to respond to the negative impact of HIV/AIDS. …
Internationally, there has been a recent resurgence of interest in HIV and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination, triggered at least in part by growing recognition that negative social responses to the epidemic remain pervasive even in seriously affected communities. Yet, rarely are existing notions of stigma and discrimination interrogated for their conceptual adequacy and their usefulness in leading to the design of effective programmes and interventions. …
This report is on a study which responds to the call for greater analysis of the problem in different country contexts by examining the impact of adult mortality and orphan status on primary school enrollment in Tanzania. Findings include that enrollment rates for both primary and secondary schooling in Tanzania are below the average for Africa and secondary enrollment rate among the lowest in the world. …
This article is focussed on the factors that contribute to the spread of HIV and their implications to the quality of life in TVET systems. It highlights the need for integrating HIV/AIDS education with technical and vocational curricula so that the product of the TVET system is a total human being, one who is able to deal effectively with social pressures and economic hardships without resorting to risky behaviour that would make him an unproductive member of society.
This is a workshop report on Commonwealth universities and the HIV/AIDS pandemic held in Durban, South Africa. The report highlights various presentaions from various stakeholders on the scale of the problem facing commonwealth universities, an overview of epidemiological factors revealing something in the nature of HIV, experiences of institutions in Bostwana, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The two day workshop concluded with a draft policy paper for Commonwealth universities to consider in making their responses to the HIV/AIDS eidemic.
This is a document highlighting international guidelines set at the Second International Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights which was organized by United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The guidelines offered, provide concrete measures that could be taken to protect human rights and health were HIV/AIDS is concerned. …
The consultation was organized to explore the specific needs of ethnic minority communities in European countries for culturally and linguistically appropriate HIV/AIDS and sexual health services. Further, it aimed to develop a context for collaborative and integrated approaches towards improving and enhancing such services. …
This is a report which contains background information on HIV/AIDS and Education issues in South Africa. Contained in this report are copies of media statements on HIV/AIDS and schools, an extract from a working paper which discusses issues on HIV/AIDS and schools and preliminary recommendations, an extract from a committee paper, the South African Schools Act, 1996 and the National Education Policy Act of 1996.
This is a paper articulating HIV and Education and attempts to set out particular significant issues for education practitioners and researchers. Issues discussed range from education and training, management, policy and planning issues, educator development and support issues, gender concerns to international agreements, legislation and human rights issues. Conclusion is that the broader concept of HIV and education means that in practice, each educator is responsible in their own domain to make sense of what is happening and to react appropriately.
This is a study on what HIV/AIDS is doing to people in South Africa, to its society and economy. It looks at some of the factors that have combined to make the pandemic so powerful. It then examines South African AIDS strategies, and factors that have complicated implementation of national AIDS plans, on the assumption that lessons from national efforts might suggest principles for the education system. The paper comments on the current framework for countering the effect of HIV/AIDS on the education sector. …
This article gives findings of the impact of the epidemic analysed through absolute and relative mortality rates in 8 high prevalence countries. Finding are that though teachers are more prone to the disease because they are in the highest HIV prevalence age co-hort and likely to engage in high risk behavior, actual mortality rates are lower than the projected mortality rates indicating that contrary to what is portrayed teachers are actually less prone than the adult populations a whole. …
This is an article informing on the launch of a World Bank publication, entitled Education and HIV/AIDS: A Sourcebook of HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme.The publication is based on studies of 13 programmes implemented in 7 countries. The sourcebook is aimed at strengthening the role of the education sector in prevention of HIV/AIDS and describes types of programmes, procedures for implementation, HIV/AIDS comments and lessons learnt.
This PowerPoint presentation presented at the Sub-Regional seminar on HIV/AIDs education in Kenya summarizes the impact of HIV/AIDS on the Education System. The 27 slides highlight on population level effects of HIV/AIDS and gives a situational analysis of a country using projection models. Graphical presentations which include population projections of a country with the presence and absence of HIV/AIDS are shown. Also shown on the slides are projection models showing how HIV/AIDS has affected Zambia's economic and financial sector and its impact to the education sector up to the year 2010.