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This worksheet discusses the scale of the problem of gender bias towards women in the African sub-saharan region. This is in relation to vulnerability to HIV/AIDS infection and how this can be mitigated most effectively.
This is a worksheet that gives an analysis of the political climate in the region and how this has affected the work of various organisation in terms of programme planning of HIV/AIDS projects.
This is a proposal clarifying the terms of reference and methodologies used in a study of the impacts of HIV/AIDS on the education sector. The paper looks at understanding the impacts of HIV/AIDS on society and issues of relevance to human resource development in south Africa; internal, or side supply-side, impact and external, or demand-side, impact.
This chartbook is focused on impacting the youth by providing information on sexual experience and reproductive health. The youth of sub-saharan Africa was targeted because of the high incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS infection in this region. It provides comprehensive and informative statistics and data.
This document reviews the work of the Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH) programs. The FRESH partnership was developed by the World Bank, WHO, UNICEF and UNESCO in order to ensure that schools have adequtate hygiene and sanitation facilities together with all required nutrition services. This was in recognition of the fact that without proper health facilities, good education was at risk and virtually impossible.
This presentation was made by Kelly to the University of West Indies in an effort to share strategies on fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic through education, by sharing the African experiences on that subject.
This review dissuses the work of SMC-AA in Malawi which was formed in an effort to influence behavioural change in light of the problem of HIV/AIDS. The pilot programme only lasted for a short period (6 months), due to lack of funding and it was covering a small Traditional Authority are (TA Ndindi) in the Salma District. Despite this, the results as shown in this review, were quite impressive.
This article assesses the extent to which teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa are a ‘high-risk’ group with respect to HIV infection and AIDS-related mortality. The main conclusion that is drawn from this review is that little hard evidence exists to support the contention that teachers are more vulnerable to the epidemic than other occupational groups.
This report discusses the intervention and mitigaiton methods introduced by the Ministry of Education of Swaziland in order to combat the increasing prevalennce rates of HIV/AIDS in the 15-24 age group. Through Life skills education programmes intergrated into all subjects, the MOE hoped to salvage the window of hope which is this age group. This paper discusses the other missing factors with this implementation such as policies to guide the implementation and coordinating machinery or organisations to moitor and evaluate it.
This report discusses the General Course in HIV/AIDS that is currently being taught in Teacher Trainig Colleges in Zimbabwe. The statistics of HIV prevalence plus the recorded number of deaths in the colleges of teachers and student teachers are highlighted in order to justify this programme.
This presentation was shown at an Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on Reforms in Higher Education and the Use of Inforation Technology in Africa. It includes the statistics of how the virus is distributed in the continent, the implications, challenges and discusses possible solutions to combat AIDS in the way of Information Technology in Higher Education.
This compilation is a list of publications that deal with managerial issues in education in dealing with the impact of HIV/AIDS on Education.
This compilation of publications is focused on action strategies for HIV/AIDS and Education that involve governments, NGOs, private donors and the education sector initself.
This document discusses the regional sectoral mobilization workshop on HIV/AIDS in the Education Sector. It was noted that the pandemic was resulting in reduced demand for education, reduced quality of, as well as inability for delivery b, the education system. With this realisation and the consequent discussion of the causes behind it, the regional sector gaol was described as to promote , coordinate and support individual and collective efforts of member States in reducing the transmission, incidence and impact of HIV/AIDS infection within the education and training sector.
This report clearly illustrates the powerful and negative effects of stigma on those affected by HIV/AIDS. The stories from children are particularly powerful and impacting. This report aims to put across the message that combating HIV/AIDS requires a strong and coordinated reponse from all sectors of society.