The 16th General Assembly and International Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) will take place in Québec City from 29 September to 4 October 2008.

The Symposium theme is "Finding the Spirit of Place". We have identified four tracks or sub-themes for thought and discussion.

  • Re-thinking spirit and place
    Key words: material culture theory, objectification, heritage making, social use, community, commemoration, memory, remembering, forgetting
  • The threats to the spirit of place
    Key words: conflicts, frontiers, degradation, destruction, abandonment, tourism, folklorization, innovation, cultural behavior, nostalgia, migrations, listing, inventories.
  • Preservation of the spirit of place
    Key words: conservation policies and practices, legal framework, plurality, reflexivity, restoration, integration, tradition bearers
  • Transmitting the spirit of place
    Key words: interpretation, transmission, safeguarding, meaning, mediation, transformation, appropriation, recontextualization, revitalization, technologies

The International Forum of Young Researchers and Professionals in Cultural Heritage will precede the event on 27 and 28 September and will be an opportunity for those who are less than 35 years old and are studying or have graduated less than 5 years ago in one of the fields related to cultural heritage preservation to share their experience and exchange ideas on worldwide conservation practices

Preliminary programme

  • Sept 27/28 : Forum of Young Researchers and professionals
    Sept. 29 : Meetings of the International Scientific Committees
  • Sept. 30: Opening Ceremony, Opening of the General Assembly, Opening of Scientific Symposium - keynote lecturers, Official reception
  • Oct. 1 : Scientific Symposium (parallel sessions), Thematic workshops in the evening
  • Oct. 2 : Scientific Symposium (continued), Cruise on the St. Lawrence River
  • Oct. 3 : Thematic Visits, Closing Banquet
  • Oct. 4 : General Assembly and elections, Poster Presentations (poster session)
  • Oct. 5 : Departure of post-conference tours

To obtain all the information on the 16th General Assembly, the symposium and forum, we invite you to regularly consult the event website at You can also access this information from the ICOMOS website at