PEFOP Support by Phases

PEFOP’s support is organized according to two phases:

  • 1) The identification of obstacles to the operationalization of vocational training policies; and
  • 2) The elaboration and implementation of a “Programme Contributing to the Operationalization of Reforms” (PROCOR).
Identification and Analysis of Obstacles to the Implementation of Vocational Training Policies

This participatory process involves the main decision-makers of both public institutions (cabinet members, ministry directors at the central and deconcentrated levels and so on) and private organizations (employers’ associations, trade unions and other civil society organizations). Development partner representatives are also involved in the diagnostic analysis.

The analytical process is framed by PEFOP’s five priority strategic axes, structured according to three main steps that each involve several activities:

Obstacles Analysis: the Approach

Learn more about the activities of this phase.

Programmes Contributing to the Operationalization of Reforms (PROCORs)

The endorsed result of the obstacles analysis represents the basis on which partner country stakeholders can envisage actions to lift the obstacles.

Stakeholders can then carry out a prioritization exercise to select a set of obstacles that can be lifted through actions of a methodological and immaterial nature, through the mobilization of appropriate expertise.

The actions chosen to be carried out with the support of the IIEP-Pôle de Dakar are detailed in a so-called Programme Contributing to the Operationalization of Reforms (PROCOR). This is a set of action plans that can be organized according to economic sectors or geographic areas.

To select the obstacles to consider in PROCOR action plans, several criteria are important:

  • The degree of visibility of the impact of lifting an obstacle on the operationalization of a vocational training policy;
  • That an issue should be reflected in national development priorities; and
  • The link between the obstacle to lift and projects, underway or planned, in particular those co-financed by development partners.

Learn more about the activities of this phase.