Leveraging information and communication technology to achieve Education 2030: report of the UNESCO 2017 International Forum on ICT and Education 2030

The main goal of the International Forum on ICT and Education 2030 was to discuss how ICT can be leveraged to accelerate the achievement of the targets of the Education 2030 Agenda, combining the views of policy-makers, academics and the private sector. The main themes identified during the Forum were the following:

  1. Digital innovations for SDG 4,
  2. Successful national ICT in education policies and large-scale programs,
  3. Best practices in future learning,
  4. Education and learning management,
  5. Planning the war forward. The key output of the forum was the 2017 Qingdao Statement, which outlines the strategies and prioritizes actions to deepen and widen the implementation of Qingdao Declaration.

Publication year: 2017

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