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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Home-grown school feeding resource framework

    The resource framework has been developed for use by programme practitioners, policy-makers, development partners, governments, civil society and community-based organizations and the private sector. It builds on policy directions from a 2009 publication4 and capitalizes on lessons from experience with WFP-supported and other programmes and related knowledge products. …

  2. Drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools: global baseline report 2018

    The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are responsible for monitoring global progress towards water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. The global effort to achieve sanitation and water for all by 2030 is extending beyond the household to include institutional settings, such as schools, healthcare facilities and workplaces. This joint report is the first comprehensive global assessment of WASH in schools and establishes a baseline for the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) period.

  3. Teachers’ handbook for inclusive school health and nutrition

    This manual is intended as a teacher’s handbook for understanding and delivering integrated school health and nutrition (SHN) interventions. The manual provides materials for classroom-oriented activities aimed at teaching children how to lead healthy lives. It is divided into two parts, the first part introduces SHN to the reader and proffers suggestions of how create an equitable school environment. In the second part, SHN interventions on specific topics (deworming and vision screening) are included as individual modules with guidelines on implementation in schools. …

  4. School Health Integrated Programming (SHIP) Extension: final report, May 18, 2018

    This report focuses on the implementation and outcomes of the second phase of the School Health Integrated Programming (SHIP) initiative. The overall aim of the initiative is to create a foundation by which countries have the awareness, capacity, and operational and technical resources to include school health and nutrition (SHN) into their education sector plans. The second phase of SHIP focused on the following objectives: 1. Analyze and understand the cost drivers of delivering integrated school-based vision screening and provide guidance for scaling up these interventions; 2. …

  5. School health for all: an operational manual for integrating inclusive school health and nutrition

    This manual provides practical principles and activities for planning and implementing vision screening and deworming in the education sector in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Senegal, based on the School Health Integrated Program (SHIP). The manual is divided into four different sections aimed at different audiences: Part 1: For Global Partnership for Education partners, including donors, country partners, civil society organizations, private organizations, and foundations. Part 2: For Ministry of Education staff who work with school health and nutrition programs. …

  6. Zimbabwe school health policy

    The Zimbabwe School Health Policy (ZSHP) provides a broad frame of reference to guide the implementation of a number of health related issues relating to the welfare of learners in the school system, such as health and nutrition,education services, water, sanitation and hygiene, needs of learners with disabilities, mental health, sexual and reproductive health concerns, and the care and support provisions as well as guidance and counseling needs of all learners.

  7. Sexuality education in Europe and Central Asia: state of the art and recent developments; an overview of 25 countries. Assessment report

    Sexuality education, which ideally should be comprehensive as well as age- and development-appropriate, is a crucial factor in protecting the health and well-being of children and young people as well as supporting them in their sexual and overall development. The present assessment on the state of sexuality education in Europe and Central Asia was commissioned by the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) in close cooperation with the International Planned Parenthood Federation – European Network (IPPF EN). …

  8. Pour des élèves en meilleure santé

    La santé et l’école sont en tête des préoccupations des Français.es. L’école est un lieu de vie propice à la prévention. Elle permet le repérage et la prise en charge des troubles de toute nature qui peuvent affecter la santé des 12 millions d’élèves qu’elle scolarise pour une durée de plus de 18 ans en moyenne. Elle est, pour des populations fragilisées ou dans certaines zones en difficultés, la seule garantie d’accès à un suivi médical. Pour le CESE, la santé des élèves est un des déterminants de la réussite scolaire. …

  9. School health and nutrition

    This thematic study on School Health and Nutrition reviews what has happened in the field of school health and nutrition since the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990), identifies strategies and interventions that have proven effective, and suggests actions for the decade to come. This study also explores conceptual frameworks in school health and nutrition that developed during the 1990s and reviews regional trends, activities and barriers for school health. …

  10. A time for global action: addressing girls’ menstrual hygiene management needs in schools

    Summary Points: There is an absence of guidance, facilities, and materials for schoolgirls to manage their menstruation in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Formative evidence has raised awareness that poor menstrual hygiene management (MHM) contributes to inequity, increasing exposure to transactional sex to obtain sanitary items, with some evidence of an effect on school indicators and with repercussions for sexual, reproductive, and general health throughout the life course. …

  11. The effects of school-based condom availability programs (CAPs) on condom acquisition, use and sexual behavior: a systematic review

    We conducted a systematic review to assess the impact of school-based condom availability programs (CAPs) on condom acquisition, use and sexual behavior. We searched PubMed to identify English-language studies evaluating school-based CAPs that reported process (i.e. number of condoms distributed or used) and sexual behavior measures. We identified nine studies that met our inclusion criteria, with the majority conducted in the United States of America. We judged most studies to have medium risk of bias. …

  12. Local action: creating health promoting schools

    Local action is primarily for school administrators, teachers and community leaders. It offers school leaders the organising ideas and activities to identify health issues in their school and community and take steps, through the school, to improve health and learning. Local action also provides guidance and tools for generating ideas and developing action plans.

  13. Global overview of school health services: data from 102 countries

    Objective: The objective of this paper was to produce a global inventory of school health services and describe characteristics such as target group, providers, staffing level, services, settings, and organizational challenges. Methods: The literature in PubMed and other sources were reviewed using an explicit methodology. Results: School health services exist in at least 102 countries. Usually services are provided within school premises (97 countries), by dedicated school health personnel (59 countries). …

  14. A systematic review of the role of school-based healthcare in adolescent sexual, reproductive, and mental health

    Background: Accessible sexual, reproductive, and mental healthcare services are crucial for adolescent health and wellbeing. It has been reported that school-based healthcare (SBHC) has the potential to improve the availability of services particularly for young people who are normally underserved. Locating health services in schools has the potential to reduce transport costs, increase accessibility and provide links between schools and communities. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was undertaken. …

  15. CSE scale-up in practice. Case studies from Eastern and Southern Africa

    The report documents the process of scaling up comprehensive sexuality education and the status of sexuality education in East and Southern Africa.


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