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The Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Package for Men and Adolescent Boys has been developed to support providers of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to increase the range and quality of services to meet the specific and diverse needs of men and adolescent boys. This package focuses specifically on the provision of such services integrated within clinical and non-clinical contexts and follows a gender-transformative approach. …
UNESCO in partnership with Ministry of Education Kenya and with financial support from the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, community and Civil society organizations implemented a two year Health Literacy and Behaviour Change practices among Adolescent Girls pilot project from September 2014-September 2017 in 41 schools. Health literacy materials were evaluated and approved by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development for use in other informal settlements. This is a one sheet brochure for an intended audience of boys approaching puberty.
According to the theory of change that underlies the Samata programme, one important factor in keeping girls in school is to reduce gender-based violence by their male peers. This brief explains how Samata works with adolescent boys.
This tool is a living document that provides guidance on good partnership practices that promote strong relationships between civil society organizations and government representatives on engaging men and boys in gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Its goal is to strengthen these partnerships in order to enable the scale up and/or institutionalization of evidence-based approaches to engaging men and boys. …
Esta publicación se centra en dos temáticas relevantes en el marco de la línea de investigación en “Socialización preventiva de la violencia de género” desarrollada por el centro de investigación CREA. Estas dos temáticas son: el amor ideal y las nuevas masculinidades alternativas. Se recoge la investigación científica existente sobre violencia de género que explica las bases científicas de la socialización preventiva de la violencia de género, haciendo hincapié en el amor ideal y en las nuevas masculinidades. Se identifican vinculaciones entre amor ideal y violencia de género. …
Eine auf Praxis ausgerichtete Einführung sowie Arbeitsblätter (zum Thema „Jungen und Männlichkeit“, „Ressourcen aktivieren“, „Gewalt erkennen und benennen“) wollen Lehrpersonen dabei unterstützen, sich mit der Thematik im Unterricht auseinanderzusetzen.
This study of Adolescent Boys and Young Men highlights the importance of engaging adolescent boys and young men in sexual and reproductive health and rights (srhr) and gender equality. Not only is this engagement essential to achieve the full equality of women and girls, it also positively impacts the lives of men and boys themselves. This paper establishes a conceptual framework for engaging adolescent boys and young men. …
The World Health Organisation, amongst others, recognises that adolescent men have a vital yet neglected role in reducing teenage pregnancies and that there is a pressing need for educational interventions designed especially for them. This study seeks to fill this gap by determining the feasibility of conducting an effectiveness trial of the If I Were Jack intervention in post-primary schools. This 4-week intervention aims to increase teenagers’ intentions to avoid unintended pregnancy and addresses gender inequalities in sex education by explicitly focusing on young men. …
This powerpoint presents the outcome of a project which aimed to promote positive social and gender norms to prevent and mitigate SRGBV in Katanga Province, DRC. …
In Zambia, 47% percent of women aged 15-49 have ever experienced physical violence & 15% experienced sexual and/or gender-based violence (DHS 2007). School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) is a global problem with serious implications for individual and population health and education outcomes. SRGBV results in sexual, physical, or psychological harm to girls and boys. SRGBV may include any form of violence or abuse based on gendered stereotypes or that targets students on the basis of their sex. …
This learning brief is based on research shared at a learning day on School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV), organised by the Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence, at the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle, on December 18th 2012. The principal inputs were provided by Máiréad Dunne, Director of the Centre for International Education at the University of Sussex, and Tanja Suvilaakso, Child Rights and Protection Advisor for Plan International. It builds on discussions within Learning Brief 2: Effective Responses for Gender Based Violence: Gender Based Violence in Schools.
Deuxième volet d’une série consacrée aux principaux freins à l’éducation des filles, ce rapport met en lumière les multiples défis à relever et dévoile différentes méthodes d’intervention utilisées par Plan International et ses partenaires pour lutter contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire. Fondées sur les études et programmes réalisés par Plan International et ses partenaires, des recommandations sont illustrées par des cas concrets puisés dans différents pays d’intervention, en particulier dans la sous-région d’Afrique de l’Ouest et en Asie. …
This report aims to support the work of UNFPA and partners by presenting a background and rationale for engaging men and boys. It illustrates a range of initiatives that have engaged men and boys for the promotion of gender equality as well as sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. …
Sexual and Reproductive health has historically mainly been concerned with population control and restricting the behaviour of women. When men don’t share the responsibilities or benefits and burdens of sexual and reproductive health, women bear the majority of the responsibility for their own and their families’ sexual and reproductive health. This approach exacerbates gender inequalities and leads to poor health outcomes. This model includes a framework, guidance, and concrete recommendations for building male involvement in sexual and reproductive health and rights. …
National strategies and plans – focusing on HIV and beyond – are key platforms for articulating an HIV response that advances gender equality, champions women’s rights, engages men and boys, and ends GBV as a cause and consequence of HIV. As such, the Johannesburg December 2012 meeting supported delegations from six countries to review their current national policies, strategies, and plans, and assess the strengths and weaknesses of these plans with regard to addressing GBV and engaging men and boys for gender equality. …