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This publication presents the main findings of a global consultation on the inclusive education and access to health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, (LGBTI) as well as non-binary, queer, pansexual and questioning youth around the world. This consultation, an initiative of French association MAG Jeunes LGBT with the support of UNESCO, represents the first time that qualitative information is collected on the inclusion and exclusion experiences of the world’s LGBTI+ youth on this scale. …
Dans le cadre du « Programme national - Promotion de la Santé Affective et Sexuelle » au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, le présent plan d’action national pluriannuel (PAN - SAS), fait suite au plan d’action 2013-2016, prolongé jusqu’en 2018 en accord avec tous les ministères concernés.
Prévention de l’homophobie et de la transphobie dans les collèges et les lycées
The overall objective of this strategy is to stop new HIV infections − in key populations as well as in the general population of Liberia − and keep PLHIV in Liberia alive and healthy. …
Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is tackled head-on by the University of Cape Townʼs (UCT) Inclusivity Policy for Sexual Orientation, which was ratified in December 2017. The policy aims to create a campus environment for staff and students that is free from discrimination in all spheres, including teaching content and language, the university’s code of conduct, and culture.
Without addressing HIV-related stigma and discrimination, the world will not achieve the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. The global partnership’s goal is to reach zero HIV-related stigma and discrimination. An opportunity to harness the combined power of governments, civil society and the United Nations, the global partnership will work together, using the unique skills of each constituency, to consign HIV-related stigma and discrimination to history.
This survey was conducted to better understand the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people in seven countries in Southeastern Europe: five in the Western Balkans-Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, and Montenegro; as well as two European Union (EU) member states, Croatia and Slovenia. The research adopted and adapted a 2012 survey of LGBT people carried out by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in 27 EU countries plus Croatia (which joined the EU in 2013) (the “FRA survey”). …
The full GLSEN 2017 National School Climate Survey report includes information on LGBTQ middle and high school students' experiences, including: hearing biased language, from both students and educators; experiences of harassment and assault; anti-LGBTQ discrimination; effects of a hostile school climate on educational outcomes and psychological well-being; and the availability and utility of supportive school resources. This report also examines demographic and school differences in students’ experiences, as well as changes in school climate over time. …
This document is a report of a training workshop for School Health Education Programme (SHEP) coordinators at national, regional district and school levels and selected head teachers of basic schools. The purpose of the workshop was to provide participants with the skills, background and knowledge to build respect, tolerance and critical thinking among learners. In addition, the objective was to provide practical examples of how they can integrate diversity, anti-discrimination and gender equality activities into lesson planning and delivery.
This study contains new qualitative, global research and provides an analysis on the situation of young persons with disabilities concerning discrimination and gender-based violence, including the impact on their sexual and reproductive health and rights. It also provides an assessment of legal, policy and programming developments and specific good practices in service delivery as well as best-standard prevention and protection measures. …
This regional report for Asia and the Pacific, provides an overview of the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) needs, issues, and priorities of young key populations (YKP), i.e. young men who have sex with men, young transgender people, young people injecting drugs, young people who sell sex, and young people living with HIV. The report addresses the gaps in knowledge on the SRHR needs of YKP in the region, offers recommendations based on a regional study, and contributes essential information for policy and advocacy efforts.
A Tool for Change: Working with the Media on Issues Relating to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics in Thailand analyzes news media coverage of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC), and LGBTIQ identities across media platforms in Thailand. The research found that LGBTIQ people are often represented in the news media inaccurately, stereotypically, or without a clear understanding of SOGIE. The study recommends that a professional code of conduct on reporting SOGIESC issues be developed. …
The Legal Gender Recognition in the Philippines: A Legal and Policy Review is the cumulative result of the desk review of laws, regulations, and policies regarding legal gender recognition in the Philippines. It likewise included research into how these existing laws, regulations, and policies are implemented and how they impact or will impact on transgender people in the Philippines. …
Ce livre est composé de témoignages, recueillis individuellement ou en groupe, et de principaux résultats d’enquêtes ayant permis d’interroger 47604 élèves âgés de 8 à 19 ans. Il s’attache à décrire la violence « ordinaire » en milieu scolaire, sa fréquence, ses caractéristiques et, la manière différenciée – ou non – dont elle touche les filles et les garçons.
The rights to self-determination and recognition before the law are fundamental human rights belonging to everyone without distinction including transgender people. However, the human rights of transgender people in this regard continue to be violated and disrespected across the world, in the Asian region and within Thailand itself. …