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Policy Goal: To reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and improve the reproductive health status of the people of South Sudan through the provision of a universally accessible, quality, integrated, equitable and sustainable comprehensive reproductive health care package. Policy Objectives: 1. To build the capacity at all levels of MOH and partners, in order to deliver quality comprehensive reproductive health services. 2. To establish an equitable resource allocation framework for the RH subsector at all levels. 3. …
The Ministry of Health has developed this National Reproductive Health Policy to provide the appropriate framework and guidance for the promotion and implementation of reproductive health programmes and interventions in the country. The ultimate aim of this policy is to provide an effective national platform for strengthening reproductive health interventions in South Sudan and facilitating the achievement of relevant global, regional and national goals in the interest of improved health, well-being and overall quality of lives of all peoples in the country. …
The report demonstrates progress made on adolescent HIV programming in the Eastern and Southern African Region (ESAR) in a few short years. Qualitative in approach, the report explores how the impact of HIV on adolescents and young people was given visibility and focus as a result of the All In to end adolescent AIDS (All In) country assessments, which systematically reviewed and analyzed data, programmes and strategies currently responding to adolescent HIV.
This paper demonstrates a comprehensive and thorough application of an education cost-effectiveness analysis. Two interventions implemented in Western Kenya aimed to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS contraction in middle school girls. The cost-effectiveness of each intervention is assessed, ex post facto, by combining the results of the two programs’ evaluations with their costs. As few education evaluations consider cost, this article highlights a sound and disciplined method to use when detailed cost information is both readily available and unavailable. …
The School Health Research Network is a policy–practice–research partnership established in Wales in 2013. The network aims to: provide health and well-being data for national, regional and local stakeholders, including schools; co-produce school-based health improvement research for Wales; and build capacity for evidence-informed practice in the school health community. …
The WHO School Health Technical Meeting was held in Bangkok on 23–25 November 2015 to consolidate what had been learned from regions and countries since the last WHO Technical Meeting on School Health in 2007 and to renew commitments and scale-up of the institutional capacity of the health and education sectors to achieve health and educational outcomes especially low-resource settings. More than 60 experts from a wide variety of geographical and professional backgrounds participated in the meeting. …
Ce rapport présente une évaluation des politiques d'alimentation scolaire et des institutions qui affectent les jeunes enfants en Tunisie. L'analyse est basée sur un outil de la Banque mondiale développé dans le cadre de l’initiative d’une Approche systémique pour de meilleurs résultats éducatifs (SABER) qui vise à évaluer systématiquement les systèmes d'éducation par rapport aux normes mondiales fondées sur des faits et des bonnes pratiques afin d’aider les pays à réformer leurs systèmes éducatifs pour un apprentissage adéquat pour tous.
Ce rapport présente une évaluation des politiques d'alimentation scolaire et des institutions qui affectent les jeunes enfants à Madagascar. L'analyse est basée sur un outil de la Banque mondiale développé dans le cadre de l’initiative d’une Approche systémique pour de meilleurs résultats éducatifs (SABER) qui vise à évaluer systématiquement les systèmes d'éducation par rapport aux normes mondiales fondées sur des faits et des bonnes pratiques afin d’aider les pays à réformer leurs systèmes éducatifs pour un apprentissage adéquat pour tous.
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Armenia. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the systems approach for better education results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence-based global standards and good practice to assist countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. SABER - school feeding collects, analyzes, and disseminates comprehensive information on school feeding policies around the world. …
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Jordan. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER)an initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence-based global standards and good practice to assist countries in reforming their education systems for proper learning for all. …
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Sri Lanka. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence-based global standards and good practice to help countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. …
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Namibia. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the systems approach for better education results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence based global standards and good practice to assist countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. SABER school feeding collects, analyzes, and disseminates comprehensive information on school feeding policies around the world. …
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Benin. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the systems approach for better education results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence based global standards and good practice to assist countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. SABER school feeding collects, analyzes, and disseminates comprehensive information on school feeding policies around the world. …
L’objectif 1 de ce module est de mettre entre les mains des enseignants un outil pédagogique d’orientation qui servira de support didactique pour une meilleure compréhension des IST/VIH/Sida par les élèves. L’objectif 2 est de former une population scolaire consciente des stratégies mise en place par le département en vue d’une meilleure protection contre les IST/VIH/Sida et prise en charge si nécessaire. …
Adolescence (10-19 years old) is a critical period in life, during which people undergo extensive biological, psychological and social changes. During this time, sexual and reproductive health can pose serious challenges for adolescents and programming needs to be effective in addressing this important health area. This scoping paper assesses the state of evidence around adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH), exploring the supply of and demand for evidence on the impact of ASRH programming in low- and middle-income countries. …