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Background: Low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) face major challenges in achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for vulnerable adolescents. We aimed to test the UN Development Programme's proposed approach of development accelerators—provisions that lead to progress across multiple SDGs—and synergies between accelerators on achieving SDG-aligned targets in a highly vulnerable group of adolescents in South Africa. …
An earlier study reported a tight linear fit between national adult HIV prevalence and the percentage of children living in a household with at least one HIV-positive adult. MEASURE Evaluation extended this analysis to all existing DHS data sets with HIV testing, to determine the feasibility of using regression modeling to estimate the size of two priority groups: (1) children living with at least one adult who is HIV-positive, and (2) orphans and coresident children living with at least one adult who is HIV-positive.
This report describes the Health Barriers to Learning and the supporting evidence base for their impact on academic success. It also describes the disproportionate prevalence of HBLs in disadvantaged children, the extent of unmet need for services for identification, management and treatment, and each HBL’s impact on learning. Screening and management for each of these should be essential to supporting school and learning readiness. …
Eighteen experts in the field of bullying and cyberbullying and the SRSG on Violence against Children, have written a contribution from their specific area of expertise, addressing bullying and cyberbullying. Starting with a human rights foundation and children participation, it is followed by examples that show different experiences in developing policies and legislation, including specific dimensions and vulnerable groups to be kept in mind. …
This report presents a secondary data analysis and triangulation of the Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2010, the Tanzania HIV and Malaria Indicator Survey (THMIS) 2011-12, and the Violence Against Children in Tanzania Survey (VACS) 2009. Its objectives are to analyse approximately 40 key indicators related to knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and outcomes (e.g. …
The National HIV Risk Reduction Strategy for Most At Risk & Especially Vulnerable Adolescents to HIV & AIDS in Bangladesh (2013-2015) was informed by the result of the Mapping and Size Estimation of Most At Risk Adolescents in Bangladesh conducted in 2011 with support from UNICEF. This strategy emphasizes key actions to improve legislation, policy and programmes to reduce risk and protect MARA/EVA in Bangladesh from HIV and AIDS. …
Adopté le 19 septembre 2013 lors d’un comité interministériel présidé par le Premier ministre en présence de l’ensemble des ministres concernés, le plan gouvernemental de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives définit la stratégie de la France pour les années 2013-2017. Elaboré sur le modèle du plan de l’Union Européenne en la matière, ce plan stratégique sera décliné en deux plans d’actions successifs, programmés sur une durée de deux ans chacun. Ce document présente le premier plan d’actions, préparé pour la période 2013-2015. …
Le plan 2013-2017 repose sur trois grandes priorités : 1) Fonder l’action publique sur l’observation, la recherche et l’évaluation : en progressant dans la compréhension des conduites addictives ; en soutenant la recherche sur les nouveaux traitements médicamenteux et les stratégies thérapeutiques innovantes ainsi que les recherches en sciences sociales ; en faisant de la recherche un outil d’aide à la décision. …
The collection of these tales aims to provide relevant and experiential case studies for participants in gender-related courses in schools, colleges and universities, as well as in non-formal education settings. Most of the tales were written and tested by facilitators and learners during the annual 'Gender and Development in Southern Africa' course between 1998 and 2000. Several were also tested in a UNICEF workshop on 'Gender, Sexuality and HIV/ AIDS in Education', which was held in Malawi in July 2001. …
The overall goal of the Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) Programme is to realise the education rights of vulnerable children in the SADC region through schools becoming inclusive centres of learning, care and support. The National Support Pack has been developed to guide the Department of Basic Education to mainstream the CSTL Programme throughout all South African schools. It brings together information, best-practice examples, tools and case studies of effective care and support practice in schools. …
Articles from this issue : Making sexuality and HIV education programs more effective | Reducing adolescent girls’ vulnerability to sexual violence in sub-Saharan Africa | Developing a highly acceptable contraceptive vaginal ring | Creating a database of HIV prevention clinical trial terminology and translations.
This five-year costed National Plan of Action addresses the survival, protection, care and support needs of the most vulnerable children in Nigeria. It was developed through consultative and participatory approaches among all stakeholders, including adults and children. The voices of children were heard, and their contributions were taken into account. The Plan adopts a rights-based approach in the development of the framework that will accelerate and provide guidance for the national response on orphans and vulnerable children.
All In! to #EndAdolescentAIDS is a platform for action and collaboration to inspire a social movement to drive better results with and for adolescents through critical changes in programmes and policy. It aims to unite actors across relevant sectors in order to accelerate reductions in AIDS-related deaths and new HIV infections among adolescents by 2020 as part of the global push to end the AIDS epidemic for all by 2030. …
Children and youth affected by HIV/AIDS face many stressors and competing priorities regarding family, health, education, protection and economic stability. The policy environment created by the Dakar Framework for Action–Education for All created an entry point for governments to respond to the educational needs of orphans and vulnerable children based on locally driven context. The international community has made financial and programming resources available to support education for orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS at the country level. …
This report aims to document the experiences, challenges and lessons learned from AFS in Iran since 2005. Section one provides some background to the HIV/AIDS situation in Iran describing how young people are affected and giving a brief overview of the national strategic response. Section two outlines the project goals, objectives and strategies while section three provides details of how AFS have been introduced at the national level. Section four describes the services, how they are delivered, and the steps that were taken to set up static Adolescent Friendly Centres. …