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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Why teach sexuality education in school ? Teacher discretion in implementing comprehensive sexuality education in rural Zambia

    Reproductive health problems such as HIV, unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion among adolescents are closely linked to insufficient knowledge about sexuality and reproduction and lack of access to contraceptives. Supported by international agencies, Zambia has introduced an ambitious nation-wide program for comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) to be implemented into ordinary school activities by teachers. The curriculum is firmly based in a discourse of sexual and reproductive rights, not commonly found in the public debate on sexuality in Zambia. …

  2. Professional learning standards for sex education

    The PLSSE is divided into four domains: context for sex education, professional disposition, best practices, and key content areas. Each domain includes indicators related to educator’s knowledge of content, familiarity with teaching methods, and understanding of best practices. School administrators and educators can use the PLSSE to determine areas where teachers are most proficient and those in which additional professional development may be needed. The Assessment Tool is designed to for educators to rate their own capability and comfort. …

  3. Indicators of learning progression for sexuality education in the New Zealand curriculum

    These indicators of learning progression have been prepared to help teachers unpack the learning intentions for sexuality education suggested in the Ministry of Education Sexuality Education: Guide for principals, boards of trustees and teachers (2015).

  4. Teachers’ handbook for inclusive school health and nutrition

    This manual is intended as a teacher’s handbook for understanding and delivering integrated school health and nutrition (SHN) interventions. The manual provides materials for classroom-oriented activities aimed at teaching children how to lead healthy lives. It is divided into two parts, the first part introduces SHN to the reader and proffers suggestions of how create an equitable school environment. In the second part, SHN interventions on specific topics (deworming and vision screening) are included as individual modules with guidelines on implementation in schools. …

  5. Two years later: preservice teachers’ experiences of learning to use participatory visual methods to address the South African AIDS epidemic

    South Africa continues to struggle with the world’s highest HIV rates, and the country’s young people are amongst those most severely affected by this epidemic. The education sector, and especially teachers, are situated to be leaders in the national response and can provide emotional support as well as information on gender, sexuality, and HIV and AIDS. …

  6. State of the art diagnosis on comprehensive sexuality education: final report

    This report presents the results of fieldwork that was conducted for the UNFPA-commissioned project State of the Art Diagnosis on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in Suriname. The Right to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is inherent in various human rights agreements and political declarations, which establish the right of young people to education and information about sexuality, sexual and reproductive health and HIV. …

  7. Sensibilisation aux IST/VIH/SIDA: établissements de la formation technique et professionnelle: module de formation

    Le présent module vise à sensibiliser les élèves et stagiaires dans les établissements de la formation technique et professionnelle sur les risques d’exposition aux IST/VIH/SIDA et les conséquences de celles ci. L’introduction du module IST/VIH/SIDA dans les programmes du système éducatif revêt une importance particulière pour généraliser et pérenniser dans les milieux scolaires la bonne connaissance des IST/VIH/SIDA et générer les conduites conséquentes. …

  8. Education aux IST/VIH/Sida: établissements d'enseignement fondamental: module de formation

    L’objectif 1 de ce module est de mettre entre les mains des enseignants un outil pédagogique d’orientation qui servira de support didactique pour une meilleure compréhension des IST/VIH/Sida par les élèves. L’objectif 2 est de former une population scolaire consciente des stratégies mise en place par le département en vue d’une meilleure protection contre les IST/VIH/Sida et prise en charge si nécessaire. …

  9. From paper to practice: sexuality education policies and their implementation in Ghana

    This report provides a detailed snapshot of how the policies related to sexuality education in Ghana are translated into practice and what students, teachers and heads of schools think about them. Data from official documents, key informant interviews and school-based surveys were used to examine how sexuality education programs in three regions were developed, implemented and experienced. …

  10. From paper to practice: sexuality education policies and their implementation in Kenya

    This report provides a snapshot of how sexuality education policies in Kenya are translated into practice in secondary schools, and what students, teachers and principals think about them. Data from official documents, key informant interviews and school-based surveys were used to examine how sexuality education programs in three counties were developed, implemented and experienced. …

  11. Educación y diversidad sexual: guía didáctica

    La guía está dirigida a docentes, maestros, educadores, y demás referentes de la educación. Su finalidad es difundir, de manera sistemática y ágil, una serie de recomendaciones prácticas de cómo trabajar el tema de la diversidad desde una perspectiva de derechos e igualdad en los centros educativos. …

  12. Guía metodológica de educación sexual para la prevención del VIH y otras ITS

    Esta guía está enmarcada en el programa de educación sexual, prevención del VIH y otras ITS para las entidades miembros de CESIDA. Para concluir el programa, se ha elaborado esta guía metodológica entre las organizaciones que han participado en el programa, en la que cada entidad ha aportado recursos didácticos en relación con el modelo sexológico de educación sexual para la prevención que se ha trabajado en el programa.

  13. Dinámicas propuestas por las entidades: guía metodológica de educación sexual para la prevención del VIH y otras ITS

    Esta guía está enmarcada en el programa de educación sexual, prevención del VIH y otras ITS para las entidades miembros de CESIDA. Para concluir el programa, se ha elaborado esta guía metodológica entre las organizaciones que han participado en el programa, en la que cada entidad ha aportado recursos didácticos en relación con el modelo sexológico de educación sexual para la prevención que se ha trabajado en el programa.

  14. Guia de boas práticas: Adoles(Ser): sexualidade e afectos

    Este guia surge na sequência do Projeto Adoles(Ser), realizado na Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa (MAC) e da necessidade de partilhar e transmitir informação a professores e técnicos que pretendam consolidar conhecimentos e competências no âmbito da educação sexual. Apresentamos as linhas orientadoras do projeto, os seus objetivos e resultados, enquadrados numa breve contextualização da adolescência e da sexualidade. Damos ainda destaque a algumas atividades e boas práticas utilizadas, possibilitando a sua replicação em contexto escolar no quadro de programas sobre sexualidade.

  15. Prevent violence in schools: learners taking action: facilitator and mentor guide

    The programme Prevent violence in schools focuses on enabling and supporting learners to take action to prevent violence in their own schools. Programme materials include two publications: Prevent violence in schools. Learners taking action. Learner book, and Prevent violence in schools. Learners taking action. Facilitator and mentor guide. This Facilitator and mentor guide includes: Introduction: background and origin of the programme, description of the different parts of the programme and the programme approach. …


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