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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Regional strategy for HIV prevention, treatment and care and sexual and reproductive health and rights among key populations

    Given the vulnerability of key populations, this strategy seeks to operationalise current global, continental and regional commitments and address these gaps by providing Member States with a framework to develop specific programming aimed at key populations. The strategy is to be used in conjunction with existing SADC initiatives, including SADC’s new strategic framework on the integration of HIV, tuberculosis, sexual and reproductive health and malaria, as well as existing international and continental initiatives, such as the SDGs and the Catalytic Framework. …

  2. Focus on key populations in national HIV strategic plans in the African region

    The World Health Organization (WHO) defines key populations as populations who are at higher risk for HIV irrespective of the epidemic type or local context and who face social and legal challenges that increase their vulnerability. They include sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender people, people who inject drugs, and people in prison and other closed settings. …

  3. Understanding key terms and data related to HIV

    This handbook is a product of a collaborative effort of UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office and members of the Asia-Pacific interagency task team on Young Key Populations who responded to the need for a tool to equip young people who are interested in understanding key terms and data related to HIV. It is designed as a “comic book” and can be translated and used widely in both Asia-Pacific and other regions.This handbook is for young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years old of age who are interested in HIV issues and have some basic math skills. …

  4. Adolescents under the radar in the Asia-Pacific AIDS response

    This report is the result of a collaborative effort between members of the Asia Pacific Inter-Agency Task Team on Young Key Populations and UNICEF. It highlights the HIV crisis for vulnerable adolescents in Asia and the Pacific and what we can do to give them the support they desperately need. If we fail to do this, the world will not get to where it wants to be: ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

  5. Step by step: preparing for work with children and young people who inject drugs. A tool for harm reduction service providers

    This resource is intended for harm reduction service providers with limited experience of working with children and young people who inject drugs. …

  6. The 2011 ESPAD report. Substance use among students in 36 European countries

    The main purpose of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) is to collect comparable data on substance use among 15–16-year-old European students in order to monitor trends within as well as between countries. So far, five data-collection waves have been conducted in the framework of the project. The first study was carried out in 26 countries in 1995, while data collection in 2011 was performed in 37 countries. …

  7. HIV and young people who inject drugs. Technical brief

    This technical brief is one in a series addressing four young key populations. It is intended for policy-makers, donors, service-planners, service-providers and community-led organizations. This brief aims to catalyse and inform discussions about how best to provide health services, programmes and support for young people who inject drugs. …

  8. Defeating AIDS—advancing global health

    After more than a decade of major achievements, the AIDS response is at a crucial juncture, both in terms of its immediate trajectory and its sustainability, as well as its place in the new global health and development agendas. In May, 2013, the UNAIDS–Lancet Commission— a diverse group of experts in HIV, health, and development, young people, people living with HIV and affected communities, activists, and political leaders— was established to investigate how the AIDS response could evolve in a new era of sustainable development. …

  9. National strategy for the prevention and management of alcohol and drug use amongst learners in schools

    Alcohol and drug abuse is a global challenge, which has detrimental effects on the health, wealth and security of nations. Its impact is being felt in schools in South Africa and is compromising the quality of teaching and learning and the safety of learning spaces. This strategy was developed to provide comprehensive guidance to the basic education sector in South Africa with regards to the prevention and management of alcohol and drugs in schools. …

  10. Women living with HIV speak out against violence: A collection of essays and reflections of women living with and affected by HIV

    Violence against women and girls is an unacceptable violation of basic human rights. It also is so widespread that ending it must be a global public health priority. An estimated one in three women is beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused by an intimate partner during her lifetime. Intimate partner violence has been shown to increase the risk of HIV infection by around 50%, and violence (and the fear of violence) deters women and girls from seeking services for HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

  11. Situational analysis of young people at high risk of HIV exposure in Thailand: Synthesis report

    The main goals of this project are to review the situation of young key affected populations (YKAP) HIV risk behaviours in Thailand, review the present policy and programmatic response for YKAP, identify gaps and promising practices for YKAP, and determine strategic future policy and programming interventions for YKAP. …

  12. Scan of law and policies affecting human rights, discrimination and access to HIV and health services by key populations in Pakistan

    The Scan of Laws and Policies Affecting Human Rights, Discrimination and Access to HIV and Health Services by Key Populations in Pakistan identifies the current status of legislation, policies, institutional frameworks in Pakistan that safeguard the universal human rights of the key affected populations with regard to the HIV prevention, care and treatment. …

  13. HIV and adolescents: focus on young key populations

    Adolescents and young adults are at increased risk for HIV due to the many developmental, psychological, social, and structural transitions that converge in this period of the lifespan. In addition, adolescent deaths resulting from HIV continue to rise despite declines in other age groups. There are also young key populations (YKPs) that bear disproportionate burdens of HIV and are the most vulnerable, including young men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender youth, young people who inject drugs, and adolescent and young adult sex workers. …

  14. Policy analysis and advocacy decision model for services for key populations in Kenya

    From 2010–2012, the global Health Policy Project (funded by the United States Agency for International Development), in partnership with African Men for Sexual Health and Rights (AMSHeR), developed Policy Analysis and Advocacy Decision Model for HIV-Related Services: Males Who Have Sex with Males, Transgender People, and Sex Workers (Beardsley K., 2013), hereafter referred to as the Decision Model. …

  15. National HIV peer education strategy 2012

    The goal of the National Peer Education Strategy is to position peer education as a critical component of HIV prevention programmes targeting KAPs in preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS. The objectives are: 1. Build national capacity and leadership in both government and civil society to provide peer education to all KAPs in Mauritius; 2. Build support for peer education by strengthening linkages with existing services and networks including law enforcement, civil society organisations, health and welfare workers and other stakeholders; 3. …


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