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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. School health and nutrition

    This thematic study on School Health and Nutrition reviews what has happened in the field of school health and nutrition since the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990), identifies strategies and interventions that have proven effective, and suggests actions for the decade to come. This study also explores conceptual frameworks in school health and nutrition that developed during the 1990s and reviews regional trends, activities and barriers for school health. …

  2. Strengthening the School Health and Nutrition Programs For the Achievement of the Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Department order No. 43, Series of 2011

    The Department of Education (DepEd) through the Health and Nutrition Center (HNC) is strengthening the School Health and Nutrition Programs (SHNP) into its key programs and aligning all its activities into one seamless whole. …

  3. Teenage pregnancy in South African schools: challenges, trends and policy issues

    Teenage pregnancy in South African schools poses a serious management and leadership challenge. It calls for school management teams (SMTs) to acquire critical skills to manage teenage pregnancy within the requirements of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996. Little, if any, research has been conducted on learner pregnancy as a hurdle toward the achievement of millennium development goals (MDGs) and EFA goals. …

  4. Improved access to education for orphans or vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS

    Children and youth affected by HIV/AIDS face many stressors and competing priorities regarding family, health, education, protection and economic stability. The policy environment created by the Dakar Framework for Action–Education for All created an entry point for governments to respond to the educational needs of orphans and vulnerable children based on locally driven context. The international community has made financial and programming resources available to support education for orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS at the country level. …

  5. School-related gender-based violence is preventing the achievement of quality education for all

    This policy paper argues that school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) is a global concern preventing children, especially girls, exercising their right to a safe, inclusive and quality education. The paper calls for a systematic and harmonized approach to identify, monitor and understand SRGBV, as well as strong policy interventions to develop targeted solutions to address the problem effectively.

  6. Les violences de genre en milieu scolaire comme facteur de déscolarisation en Afrique subsaharienne francophone

    Ce rapport s’intéresse à une problématique qu’il est urgent de considérer si l’on souhaite faire respecter l’intégrité des filles et atteindre les objectifs d’Education pour Tous. …

  7. Making the grade. A model national policy for the prevention, management and elimination of violence against girls in school

    This model is designed to help SADC governments develop an integrated single comprehensive policy on violence against girls. It can be adapted to suit the local context because there is never a ‘one size fits all’ policy. Civil society groups and movements can use it as an advocacy tool in their negotiations with governments.

  8. Education sector policy for orphans and vulnerable children

    The goal of this policy is to ensure that an increased number of OVC are able to access, remain in, and complete general education of good quality. The objective of this policy is to ensure that all OVC of school-going age attend school and are not deterred from full participation through lack of financial means, material or psychosocial need, stigma, discrimination or any other constraints, and to ensure that out-of school OVC are brought back into school or provided with appropriate alternative educational opportunities.

  9. Report of the technical meeting of Building School Partnership for Health, Education Achievements and Development

    The purpose of the meeting was to set direction and provide leadership to meet future challenges in promoting health through schools, with a focus on addressing the wider determinants of health. The term "through schools" refers to involvements with students and their families, staff members in schools as well as interactions with the local communities. Where there are no schools, efforts must be made to establish schools and provide access to education. …

  10. Situation analysis. A summary of school health in India and in four states: Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu

    This rapid situation analysis examines the national and selected States’ pictures of SHN and was conducted taking the internationally agreed pillars of FRESH into consideration and using mixed methods of literature review, secondary data analysis, and primary qualitative data analysis from key informant interviews with both national and State-level SHN practitioners and policymakers. …

  11. School food, politics and child health

    OBJECTIVE: An analysis undertaken jointly in 2009 by the UN World Food Programme, The Partnership for Child Development and the World Bank was published as Rethinking School Feeding to provide guidance on how to develop and implement effective school feeding programmes as a productive safety net and as part of the efforts to achieve Education for All. The present paper reflects on how understanding of school feeding has changed since that analysis. DESIGN: Data on school feeding programme outcomes were collected through a literature review. …

  12. Poverty alleviation and integrated service delivery: Literacy, early child development and health

    This paper argues that many internationally financed literacy programs do not sufficiently take into consideration important daily life issues of the learners, including nutritional deficiencies that may hinder learning, or of children–parent–society interactions that may improve learning. As a result, many programs have become synonymous with increased supply of a low-quality education. …

  13. FRESH: a comprehensive school health approach to achieve EFA

    At the dawn of the 21st century, the learning potential of children and young people in every country in the world is compromised b y conditions and behaviours that undermine the physical and emotional well-being that makes learning possible. Hunger, malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, malaria, polio and intestinal infections, drug and alcohol abuse, violence and injury, unplanned pregnancy and infection with HIV and other sexually transmitted infections threaten the health and lives of the children and youth in which Education for All efforts are most invested. …

  14. Education, literacy and health outcomes findings

    This paper was commissioned by the Education for All Global Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 2013/4 report. It looks at the relationship between education and literacy on child health. Improvements in women’s education are associated with significant reductions in under five mortality.

  15. Report of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Life Skills in EFA

    Divided into six panels, the Inter-Agency Working Group on Life Skills in EFA considered some of the central issues within a life skills approach to education and proposed a synthesis of underlying principles and guidelines for planning life skills-based education, as well as, implementation and assessment. The first panel outlined the theoretical and practical foundations for the concept of life skills education within the larger context of EFA and sustainable human development. …


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