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This tool helps develop programs for urban adolescents on sexual and reproductive health and behavior change. It is divided into four parts: Part 1 provides the background and information on how to use the I-Kit. Part 2 includes the seven essential elements of program planning and interactive worksheets. Part 3 provides strategies to address program implementation challenges. Part 4 encourages to share what has been learned. Then, additional resources are provided for further information. The Help section includes acronyms, glossary, icon key, and references.
Comprehending praxis is a critical step in developing interventions that can have a real-world impact on people's lives. In this paper, we reflect on the lessons learned in the development of a curriculum for young people living in informal settlements in eThekwini, who are exposed to numerous vulnerabilities, including HIV-related risks associated with precarious urban livelihoods. Behavioural interventions have not led to commensurate reductions in HIV incidence, and the impact of these approaches remains regulated by numerous contextual conditions affecting those participating. …
Background: Despite the significant proportion of young people residing in slum communities, little attention has been paid to the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) challenges they face during their transition to adulthood within this harsh environment. Little is known about the extent to which living in extreme environments, like slums, impact SRH outcomes, especially during this key developmental period. …
En dépit des efforts du Gouvernement et des organisations de la société civile, notamment des associations féminines, le risque d’infection au VIH en République du Congo reste élevé. L’enquête de séroprévalence nationale réalisée en 2003 a révélé un taux de prévalence de 4,2% au niveau national, avec une tendance à la féminisation de la pandémie (4,7% chez les femmes contre 3,6% chez les hommes). De ce constat est né le « Projet de Prévention du VIH/SIDA chez les femmes et les filles dans les zones urbaines et rurales en République du Congo ». …
The health and other risks associated with early pregnancy and sexual activity raise urgent need for appropriate interventions and programs to address adolescent reproductive behaviors. It is important to understand the circumstances surrounding, and factors associated with unintended pregnancies among young people, the challenges that limit their ability to protect their sexual and reproductive health, and how they deal with the outcomes of unintended pregnancy. …
Background: HIV-related stigmatisation and discrimination by young children towards their peers have important consequences at the individual level and for our response to the epidemic, yet research on this area is limited. Methods: We used nationally representative data to examine discrimination of HIV-positive children by grade six students (n = 39,664) across nine countries in Southern Africa: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. …
Youth aged 15-24 represent a growing and heterogeneous proportion of the world’s population. Investing in young people’s health and wellbeing is critical to promoting growth and development, not only for individuals but also for communities and nations. The majority of today’s youth are living in urban areas.In an urban or city environment, opportunities for jobs, education, better housing and health care are often more widely available than in rural areas. But these benefits are usually unevenly distributed and urban poor have limited or no access to many urban amenities. …
Young people face numerous health challenges during their transition to adulthood. These challenges include, among others, limited access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services. Unmet SRH needs among adolescents may contribute to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, and unintended pregnancies. Adolescent pregnancies are associated with several adverse outcomes, such as miscarriage, unsafe abortion, obstructed labor, and other complications, which can result in long-term morbidity and even death. …
This rapid situation analysis examines the national and selected States’ pictures of SHN and was conducted taking the internationally agreed pillars of FRESH into consideration and using mixed methods of literature review, secondary data analysis, and primary qualitative data analysis from key informant interviews with both national and State-level SHN practitioners and policymakers. …
This review of sanitation system trends and interactions with menstrual management practices has been conducted as part of the broader project on Menstrual Management and Sanitation Systems. It starts with a review of trends in the development of urban sanitation systems and then explores the interaction between menstrual management and sanitation systems, mainly relating to the issue of disposal of used menstrual blood absorption materials. …
Background: As teenagers have easy access to both radio programs and cell phones, the current study used these tools so that young people could anonymously identify questions about sex and other related concerns in the urban environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The purpose of this healthcare intervention was to identify and address concerns raised by young people, which are related to sexual health, and which promote youth health. Methods: This healthcare intervention was conducted over a six month period and consisted of a survey carried out in Kinshasa. …
The Building Capacities for Non formal Education and Life Skills Programmes project in Uganda was implemented by Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) with financial and technical support from UNESCO - Section for Literacy and non Formal Education in 2004-05; aiming at assisting vulnerable and marginalised youth affected by HIV/AIDS and other risk behaviour, those that may be homeless or living in hopeless situation both in urban centres and rural areas. …
HIV/AIDS programmes in schools ultimately intend to decrease high risk sexual behaviour. One factor facilitating this outcome is a strong health promoting environment in the school. This paper reports a study surveying the health promoting environments supporting HIV/AIDS education in Namibian senior secondary schools. It develops a two dimensional model for classifying the strength of a school’s health promoting environment. The findings show that schools have different strengths of health promoting environments linked more to their size than to a rural or urban location. …
Since 1996, Ireland Aid has supported UNICEF Ghana in the implementation of five activities that promote behaviour change to limit the spread of HIV/AIDS and STIs. The interventions are run by different local organisations, and have provided over 75,000 in and out-of-school youth and commercial sex workers with preventive education. People retained the information given, are knowledgeable about how HIV is transmitted, and can name key preventive methods. They pass on the information to their friends. Commercial sex workers were empowered to support one another in negotiating for safer sex. …
This article provides an analysis of teachers’ perceptions of and responses to gendered harassment in Canadian secondary schools based on in-depth interviews with six teachers in one urban school district. Gendered harassment includes any behaviour that polices and reinforces traditional heterosexual gender norms such as (hetero)sexual harassment, homophobic harassment, and harassment for gender non-conformity. This study shows that educators experience a combination of external and internal influences that act as either barriers or motivators for intervention. …